Sunday, September 28, 2008

Brief Introduction of Vitamin Types

[Extracted from]

This is a very simplified and informative introduction
for all those, who wishes to start learning about the
true benefits of Vitamins.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Butteries with Transparent Wings

This is dedicated to all Butterfly Lovers ....

It comes from Central America and is found from Mexico to Panama. It is quite common in its zone, but it not easy to find because of its transparent wings, which is a natural camouflage mechanism.

A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass, the presence of this rare tropical gem is used by rain forest ecologists as an indication of high habitat quality and its demise alerts them of ecological change. Rivaling the refined beauty of a stained glass window, the translucent wings of the Glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red.

All things beautiful do not have to be full of color to be noticed : in life that which is unnoticed has the most power.

Monday, September 15, 2008

what is Quinoa ?

A) Quinoa is 100% whole grain and is close to being a perfect food source in the balance of nutrition it provides. Technically it's not a grain but the seed of a leafy plant related to spinach. Quinoa is an excellent source of protein - 12% to 18%. According to The National Academy of Sciences, quinoa is "one of the best sources of protein in the vegetable kingdom". Quinoa contains the amino acid lysine which helps the body produce protein. It also helps the body process the protein in the quinoa and in other foods. The World Health Organization has rated the quality of protein in quinoa to be equivalent or superior to that found in milk products.

B) Quinoa is a source of all essential amino acids according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. It's a great source of B vitamins containing niacin, thiamin and B6.It contains high levels of potassium and riboflavin. It's also good source of zinc, copper, and manganese, and magnesium. It contains folic acid and vitamin E.

C) Quinoa is a great food for people who must follow wheat-free/gluten-free diets because Quinoa doesn't contain gluten. Quinoa can be substituted for almost any other grain.

D) Quinoa has a nutty, smoky flavor and is less filling than other grains and pastas.

E) Quinoa has been one of the primary foods of the Inca Indians for more than 5,000 years. The Incas referred to Quinoa as "Mother Grain". Most quinoa is grown in the Andes in South America. Some quinoa is now being grown in the Colorado Rockies. The fact that quinoa will row in extremely poor soil together with its great nutritional value makes it a true super grain to feed the world.

F) Quinoa seed are covered with bitter tasting saponins that naturally repel insects and birds. Removing the saponins is a somewhat involved process but is already done for you when you buy a quality brand like Ancient Harvest Quinoa. It's believed that the bitter tasting saponins are what discouraged the Spanish from using Quinoa.


Quinoa was of great nutritional importance in pre-Columbian Andean civilizations, being secondary only to the potato, and followed in third place by maize. In contemporary times this crop has come to be highly appreciated for its nutritional value, as its protein content is very high (12%–18%), making it a healthy choice for vegetarians and vegans. Unlike wheat or rice (which are low in lysine), quinoa contains a balanced set of essential amino acids for humans, making it an unusually complete protein source. It is a good source of dietary fiber and phosphorus and is high in magnesium and iron. Quinoa is gluten free and considered easy to digest. Because of all these characteristics, quinoa is being considered as a possible crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration manned spaceflights

In its natural state quinoa has a coating of bitter-tasting saponins, making it unpalatable. Most quinoa sold commercially in North America has been processed to remove this coating. Some have speculated this bitter coating may have caused the Europeans who first encountered quinoa to reject it as a food source, since they adopted other indigenous food plants of the Americas like maize and potatoes. However, this bitterness has beneficial effects during cultivation, as the plant is unpopular with birds and thus requires minimal protection. There have been attempts to lower the saponin content of quinoa through selective breeding in order to produce sweeter, more palatable varieties. However, when new varieties were introduced by agronomists to native growers in the high plateau, the native growers rejected the new varieties, despite their 'magnificent' yields. Because the seeds no longer had a bitter coating, birds had consumed the entire crop after just one season.

The saponins in quinoa can be mildly toxic, as can be the oxalic acid in the leaves of all the chenopodium family. However, the risks associated with quinoa are minimal, provided it is properly prepared and leaves are not eaten to excess.

Quinoa has a light, fluffy texture when cooked, and its mild, slightly nutty flavor makes it an alternative to white rice or couscous.

The first step in preparing quinoa is to remove the saponins, a process that requires soaking the grain in water for a few hours, then changing the water and resoaking again, or rinsing it in ample running water either in a fine strainer or in cheesecloth. Boxed quinoa typically has been pre-rinsed for convenience.

A common cooking method is to treat quinoa much like rice, bringing two cups of water to a boil with one cup of grain, covering at a low simmer and cooking for 14–18 minutes or until the germ separates from the seed. The cooked germ looks like a tiny curl and should have a slight bite to it (like al dente pasta). Alternatively, one can use a rice cooker to prepare quinoa. To that end, one volume of quinoa should be combined with two volumes of water.

Vegetables and seasonings can also be added to make a wide range of dishes. Chicken or vegetable stock can be substituted for water during cooking, adding flavour. It is also suited to vegetable pilafs, complementing bitter greens like kale.

Quinoa can serve as a high-protein breakfast food mixed with honey, almonds, or berries; it is also sold as a dry product, much like corn flakes.

Quinoa flour can be used in wheat-based and gluten-free baking. For the latter, it can be combined with sorghum flour, tapioca, and potato starch to create a nutritious gluten-free baking mix. A suggested mix is three parts quinoa flour, three parts sorghum flour, two parts potato starch, and one part tapioca starch. Quinoa flour can be used as a filling for chocolate.

Lastly, quinoa may be germinated in its raw form to boost its nutritional value. Germination activates its natural enzymes and multiplies its vitamin content. In fact, quinoa has a notably short germination period: only 2-4 hours resting in a glass of clean water is enough to make it sprout and release gases, as opposed to, e.g. 12 hours overnight with wheat. This process, besides its nutritional enhancements, softens the grains, making them suitable to be added to salads and other cold foods.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What is Colostrum ?

How does it benefit my baby ?

Your breasts produce colostrum beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the early days of breastfeeding. This special milk is yellow to orange in color and thick and sticky. It is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies to help keep your baby healthy. Colostrum is extremely easy to digest, and is therefore the perfect first food for your baby. It is low in volume (measurable in teaspoons rather than ounces), but high in concentrated nutrition for the newborn. Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice.

When your baby is breastfed early and often, your breasts will begin producing mature milk around the third or fourth day after birth. Your milk will then increase in volume and will generally begin to appear thinner and whiter (more opaque) in color. In those first few days it is extremely important to breastfeed your newborn at least 8-12 times each 24 hours, and more often is even better. This allows your baby to get all the benefits of the colostrum and also stimulates production of a plentiful supply of mature milk. Frequent breastfeeding also helps prevent engorgement.

Your colostrum provides not only perfect nutrition tailored to the needs of your newborn, but also large amounts of living cells which will defend your baby against many harmful agents. The concentration of immune factors is much higher in colostrum than in mature milk.

Colostrum actually works as a natural and 100% safe vaccine. It contains large quantities of an antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) which is a new substance to the newborn. Before your baby was born, he received the benefit of another antibody, called IgG, through your placenta. IgG worked through the baby's circulatory system, but IgA protects the baby in the places most likely to come under attack from germs, namely the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, and intestines.

Colostrum has an especially important role to play in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. A newborn's intestines are very permeable. Colostrum seals the holes by "painting" the gastrointestinal tract with a barrier which mostly prevents foreign substances from penetrating and possibly sensitizing a baby to foods the mother has eaten.

Colostrum also contains high concentrations of leukocytes, protective white cells which can destroy disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

The colostrum gradually changes to mature milk during the first two weeks after birth. During this transition, the concentrations of the antibodies in your milk decrease, but your milk volume greatly increases. The disease-fighting properties of human milk do not disappear with the colostrum. In fact, as long as your baby receives your milk, he will receive immunological protection against many different viruses and bacteria.


More write-up can be found at this website, authored by the famous Mike Adams

Knee Replacement (through Operation)

A knee replacement operation involves replacing damaged or worn parts of the knee joint with a prosthesis made up of metal and plastic parts.

Your knee joint is made up by the ends of the thigh bone and shin bone, which normally glide over each other smoothly because they are covered by shock-absorbing articular cartilage. If the cartilage is damaged by injury or worn away by arthritis, for example, it can make the joint painful and stiff. A new knee joint can help improve mobility and reduce pain.

Depending on the condition of your knee, a total or a half knee replacement may be done. In a half knee operation, only the inner or outer half of your knee is replaced. A total knee replacement is more common.

Types of artificial knee
There are several different types of artificial knee parts.

Some artificial knee parts need special cement to keep them in place. Others are coated with a chemical which encourages bone to grow into it to hold the components in place. A cemented knee replacement usually lasts for at least 10 years, after which it may need to be replaced.

Your surgeon will discuss the various options with you.

What are the alternatives ?
Surgery is usually recommended only if non-surgical treatments, such as taking medicines or using physical aids like a walking stick, no longer help to reduce pain or improve mobility.

There is an alternative procedure known as a single component knee replacement operation, which may help if only one side of your knee joint has worn down. Your surgeon will explain your options.

Preparing for your operation
Your doctor will discuss how to prepare for your operation. For example, if you smoke you may be asked to quit, as smoking will increase your risk of getting a chest or wound infection and slow your recovery.

What to expect in hospital
Before surgery you will talk to your surgeon about the operation and you will be asked to sign a consent form. This confirms that you understand the risks, benefits and possible alternatives to the procedure and have given your permission for it to go ahead.

You will also be asked to consent to placing your name on the National Joint Register, which is used to follow up the safety, durability and effectiveness of joint replacements.

If you are having a general anaesthetic, you will be asked to follow fasting instructions. Typically, you must not eat or drink for about six hours before a general anaesthetic. However, some anaesthetists allow occasional sips of water until two hours beforehand.

You may be asked to wear a compression stocking on the unaffected leg to help prevent blood clots forming in the veins (deep vein thrombosis, DVT).

A knee replacement usually takes up to two hours.

It is usually performed under a general anaesthetic. This means that you will be asleep during the procedure and will feel no pain. Alternatively, the surgery can be carried out under an epidural that completely blocks pain in the leg, but you will be awake.

Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, your surgeon will make a single cut (15 to 30cm long) down the front of your knee. The length of the cut may be shorter depending on the technique your surgeon is using.

Your kneecap will be moved to one side so the joint can be reached.

The worn or damaged surfaces will be removed from both the end of your thigh bone and the top of your shin bone. The surfaces will then be shaped to fit the knee replacement. The replacement joint will be fitted over both bones.

Sometimes the back of your kneecap is replaced with a plastic prosthesis. This is called patellar resurfacing.

After the new parts are fitted, the wound is closed with stitches or clips and covered with a dressing. Your knee will be tightly bandaged to help minimise swelling.

What to expect afterwards
You will be given painkillers to help relieve any discomfort as the general anaesthetic wears off. If you have an epidural anaesthetic, you may not be able to feel or move your legs for several hours after your operation. You won't have any pain either.

On the first day, you may have to wear special pads, attached to an intermittent compression pump, on your calves. The pump inflates the pads and encourages healthy blood flow in your legs and helps to prevent DVT.

Starting from the day after your operation, a physiotherapist will usually visit daily to help you with exercises designed to help your recovery.

You will be in hospital until you are able to walk safely with the aid of sticks or crutches. This will usually be 3 to 5 days after your operation.

Before going home, your nurse will give you advice about caring for your stitches, hygiene and bathing.

After you return home
Continue to take your painkillers if you need to, as advised by your surgeon.

You may be asked to wear compression stockings for several weeks at home. They are difficult to put on and take off, and you will need someone to help you with this.

The exercises recommended by your physiotherapist are a crucial part of your recovery, so it's essential that you continue to do them.

You will be able to move around your home and manage stairs. You will find some routine daily activities, such as shopping, difficult for a few weeks. When you are resting, you should rest with your leg raised to help prevent swelling in the leg and ankle.

Follow your surgeon's advice about driving. You shouldn't drive until you are confident that you could perform an emergency stop without discomfort.

Depending on the type of work you do, you can usually return to work after six to eight weeks.

What are the risks ?
A knee replacement is a commonly performed and generally safe surgical procedure. For most people, the benefits are far greater than the disadvantages. However, in order to make an informed decision and give your consent, you need to be aware of the possible side-effects and the risk of complications.

These are the unwanted but mostly temporary effects of a successful procedure. After surgery, your knee will be sore when you move it and swollen for up to three months.

You will have a scar over the front of the knee. The scar and the outer side of the knee may be numb, which can sometimes be permanent.

Complications are when problems occur during or after the procedure. Most people are not affected. The main complications of any operation are bleeding during or soon after the procedure, infection and an abnormal reaction to the anaesthetic. Some of the complications specific to a knee replacement are listed here.

* The wound or joint can get infected. Antibiotics are given during surgery to help prevent this.

* Sometimes it is not possible to make the new knee fully stable and you may need to have a second operation.

* The operated leg may be a slightly different length. Sometimes, a raised shoe on the shorter side is necessary.

* Very rarely, nerves in the leg can get damaged during the operation.

* A build-up of scar tissue occasionally restricts movement. Another operation may be performed to break down the scar tissue. In rare cases, the loss of movement may be permanent.

* The kneecap can become dislocated after surgery.

* It's possible to develop a blood clot in the veins of the leg (deep vein thrombosis, DVT). This clot can break off and cause a blockage in the lungs. It's usually treatable, but it can be a life-threatening condition. You will be given medicines and/or compression stockings to wear during the operation to help prevent DVT.

A knee replacement usually lasts for at least 10 to 15 years, after which you may need a repeat operation to replace it. However, repeat knee replacements are more complicated than original knee replacements, and the results are not always as successful.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Benefits and Curative Properties of Bael Fruit

The bael tree is one of the most useful medicinal plants of India. Its medicinal properties have been described in the ancient medical treatise in Sanskrit, Charaka Samhita. All the parts of this tree including stem, bark, root, leaves and fruit at all stages of maturity has medicinal virtues and has been used as traditional medicine for a long time.

The fruit is of considerably medicinal value when it just begins to ripen. The ripe fruit is aromatic, astringent which helps construction of skin, coolant and laxative. The unripe or half-ripe fruit is astringent, digestive stomachic which improves appetite and antiscorbutic, i.e. which helps to fight scurvy caused due to vitamin C deficiency.

Ripe bael fruit is regarded as best of all laxatives. It cleans and tones up the intestines. Its regular use for two or three months helps evacuate even the old accumulated faecal matter from the bowels. For best results, it should be taken in the form of sherbat, which is prepared from the pulp of the ripe fruit. After breaking the shell, the seeds are first removed, and contents are then taken out with a spoon and passed through a sieve. Milk and little sugar may be added to make it more palatable. The pulp of the ripe fruit can also be taken from the spoon without the addition of milk or sugar. About 60 grams of the fruit will suffice for an adult.

Diarrhea and Dysentery
The unripe or half ripe fruit is perhaps, the most effective food remedy for chronic diarrhea and dysentery where there is no fever. Best results are obtained by the use of dried bael or its powder. The bael fruit, when it is still green, is sliced and dried in the sun. The dried bael slices are reduced into powder and preserved in air-tight bottles. The unripe bael can also be baked and taken with jaggery or brown sugar.

The fruit appears to have little effect in acute dysentery when there is definite sensation to defecate but instead of significant amount of faeces, blood and mucus alone are passed. The powdered drug is specially recommended in this condition. Its beneficial effect its, however, most evident when the condition has become sub-acute or chronic. After the use of the fruit in these conditions, the blood gradually disappears and the stool assume a more feculent and solid form. The mucus also disappears after continued use for some time. It is also a valuable remedy for chronic dysenteric conditions characterized by alternate diarrhea and constipation.

Peptic Ulcer
An infusion of bael leaves is regarded as an effective food remedy for peptic ulcer. The leaves are soaked overnight in water. This water is strained and taken as a drink in the morning. The pain and discomfort are relieved when this treatment is continued for a few weeks. Bael leaves are rich in tannins which reduce inflammation and help healing of ulcers. The bael fruit taken in the form of beverage has also great viscous content. This substance forms a coating on the stomach mucosa and thus helps in the healing of ulcers.

Respiratory Affections
A medicated oil prepared from bael leaves gives relief from recurrent colds and respiratory affections. The juice extracted from bael leaves is mixed with equal quantity of sesame oil and heated thoroughly. A few seeds of black pepper and half a teaspoonful of black cumin are added to the hot oil. It is then removed from the fire and stored for use when necessary. A teaspoonful of this oil should be massaged into the scalp before a head bath. Its regular use builds up resistance against colds and coughs.

A common practice in south India is to give the juice of bael leaves to bring relief from wheezing and respiratory spasm. The leaf juice, mixed in warm water with a little pepper, is give as a drink.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Health Benefits of Graviola (Soursop)

[This is an interesting article found in the webpage of for your reading pleasure]

Today, the future of cancer treatment and the chances of survival look more promising than ever. There's a healing tree that grows deep within the Amazon rain forest in South America that could literally change how you, your doctor, and possibly the rest of the world think about curing cancer. With extracts from this powerful tree, it may now be possible to ...

* conquer cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that doesn't cause extreme nausea, weight loss, and hair loss

* protect your immune system and evade deadly infections

* feel strong and healthy throughout the course of treatment

* boost your energy and improve your outlook on life

Through a series of confidential communications involving a researcher from one of America's largest pharmaceutical companies, this ancient tree's anticancerous properties have recently come to light. Although not yet tested in human trials, the tree has been studied in more than 20 laboratory tests since the 1970s, where it's been shown to :

* effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer

* be 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug

* selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy.

So why isn't every health publication extolling the benefits of this treatment? Why hasn't it been made widely available throughout the natural-medicine community? And, if it's only half as promising as it appears to be, why isn't every oncologist at every major hospital insisting on using it on all his patients? Especially when you consider that since the early 1990s, extensive independent research--including research by one of today's leading drug companies and by the National Cancer Institute--confirms that the tree's chemical extracts attack and destroy cancer cells with lethal precision.

Graviola is 10,000 times stronger in killing colon cancer than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug.

The answer to these difficult questions can only be explained by recounting a disturbing story we recently uncovered. More than anything else we've reported on this year, the story of this Amazon cancer treatment reinforces the need for groups like HSI and illustrates how easily our options for medical treatment are controlled by money and power.News of this amazing tree was nearly lost forever

A confidential source, whose account we've been able to independently confirm, revealed that a billion-dollar drug company in the United States tried for nearly seven years to synthesize two of the tree's most powerful anticancerous chemicals. In the early 1990s, behind lock and key, this well-known drug giant began searching for a cure for cancer--while preciously guarding their opportunity to patent it and, therefore, profit from it. Research focused on a legendary healing tree called Graviola. Parts of the tree--including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit, and fruit seeds--had been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems, and arthritis. Going on little documented scientific evidence, the company poured money and resources into testing Graviola's anticancerous properties--and they were shocked by the results. Graviola was a cancer-killing dynamo. But that's where the story of Graviola nearly ended.

The pharmaceutical company had a big problem. They'd spent years trying to isolate and create man-made duplicates of two of the tree's most powerful chemicals. But they'd hit a brick wall.

They couldn't replicate the original. And they couldn't sell the tree extract itself profitably-because federal law mandates that natural substances can't be patented. That meant the company couldn't protect its profits on the project it had poured millions of dollars and nearly seven years of research into.

As the dream of big profits evaporated, testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt After seven frustrating years and without the promise of lucrative sales, the company shelved the project and refused to publish its findings in an independent journal. But one responsible researcher struggled with the decision. While understanding the company's goal of profits, he couldn't accept the decision to hide this unique cancer killer from the world. Following his conscience and risking his career, he contacted Raintree Nutrition, a company dedicated to harvesting plants from the Amazon.

As a result, Raintree went into high gear and began to research related studies published on Graviola. They discovered that several other teams in the United States (in addition to that of the drug company) had been testing Graviola in vitro (in test tubes). The results supported the drug company's secret findings; Graviola had been shown to kill cancer cells.

Encouraged by these early laboratory tests, Raintree hired indigenous Indian tribes in Brazil to grow and harvest the tree. They spent a year on research and development and then began offering Graviola in the United States. They also developed a new supplement called N-Tense, which contains 50 percent Graviola as well as smaller amounts of seven other cancer-killing botanical extracts.

Health Sciences Institute came across Graviola and Raintree Nutrition a few months ago while researching Chanca Piedra, a natural kidney-stone therapy from the Amazon, that was featured in our September 2000 issue. In the course of our working together, Raintree pointed us toward Graviola. And needless to say, our panel of experts were intrigued by the possibility of this powerful natural cure for cancer.

Graviola hunts down and destroys prostate, lung, breast,colon, and pancreatic cancers... leaving healthy cells alone Since November, we've been looking closely into the research to date on Graviola. It appears one of the first scientific references to it in the United States was by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
In 1976, the NCI included Graviola in a plant-screening program that showed its leaves and stems were effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells. But the results were part of an internal NCI report and were, for some reason, never released to the public.

Since 1976, there have been several promising cancer studies on Graviola. However, the tree's extracts have yet to be tested on cancer patients. No double-blind clinical trials exist, and clinical trials are typically the benchmark mainstream doctors and journals use to judge a treatment's value. Nevertheless, Graviola has been shown to kill cancer cells in vitro in at least 20 laboratory tests that our research has uncovered.

The most recent study, conducted at Catholic University of South Korea earlier this year, revealed that two chemicals extracted from Graviola seeds showed "selective cytotoxicity comparable with Adriamycin" for breast and colon cancer cells. The chemicals targeted and killed malignant breast and colon cells in a test tube, comparable to the commonly used chemotherapy drug Adriamycin.

Another study, published in the Journal of Natural Products, showed that Graviola is not only comparable to Adriamycin--but dramatically outperforms it in laboratory tests. Results showed that one chemical found in Graviola selectively killed colon cancer cells at "10,000 times" the potency of Adriamycin.

Graviola selectively targets cancer cells leaving healthy cells untouched. Chemotherapy indiscriminately seeks and destroys all actively reproducing cells - even normal, healthy ones.

Other promising and ongoing research at Purdue University is supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute. Purdue researchers recently found that leaves from the Graviola tree killed cancer cells "among six human-cell lines" and were especially effective against prostate and pancreatic cancer cells.4 In a separate study, Purdue researchers showed that extracts from the Graviola leaves are extremely effective in isolating and killing lung cancer cells.

Perhaps the most significant result of the study cited above from the Catholic University of South Korea, and of each of the others we've found, is that Graviola was shown to selectively target the enemy--leaving all healthy, normal cells untouched. By comparison, chemotherapy indiscriminately seeks and destroys all actively reproducing cells--even normal hair and stomach cells. This is what causes such often-devastating side effects as hair loss and severe nausea. In this respect, Graviola looks to be a promising alternative or supplement to mainstream treatments.

Patient reports show Graviola and N-Tense help eliminate tumors From a clinical standpoint, Graviola still has a long way to go. Its properties have only been studied in a test tube. That's why it has yet to become widely known and accepted. The unfortunate truth is that without the promise of huge revenues from a synthesized, patented drug, it's unlikely that any pharmaceutical company will invest the hundreds of thousands (even millions) of dollars it would take to conduct the double-blind, placebo-controlled studies on humans. This is the underlying challenge to substantiating most nutritional therapies. Fortunately, Graviola is a natural substance, so we don't have to wait around for the drug companies. And, thanks to one researcher with a conscience, Raintree Nutrition bravely took the initiative in making this promising cure available.

Only a relative handful of doctors and patients in the United States have been using Graviola and the Graviola-rich botanical supplement N-Tense to fight cancer. Still, according to Raintree Nutrition, the combined therapy has produced some incredible results.

One such case history involved an executive at a high-tech company in Texas. Daryl S. came across Raintree when exploring alternative treatments to cure his prostate cancer. A sonogram and biopsy confirmed that Daryl had more than 20 tumors in his prostate. One doctor recommended surgery. But Daryl thought a cure using this common conventional treatment would come at too great a cost. He didn't want to suffer from impotence and incontinence for the rest of his life. Instead, he agreed to a far less invasive round of hormonal therapy (to shrink the size of his prostate) and began a rigorous supplement regimen that centered around the Graviola-rich supplement N-Tense.

Within two months, Daryl's PSA level had dropped from 4.1 to 0.00. A sonogram and several other gamma-ray tests later confirmed that all the malignant tumors inside his prostate had disappeared.Seven years of silence broken We are continuing to work with Raintree and others conducting ongoing research on Graviola. As more scientific and anecdotal evidence comes to light, you'll be among the first to hear about it. However, after seven years of silence and hidden research, we felt it irresponsible not to bring this to you now.Grown and harvested by indigenous people in Brazil, Graviola is available in limited supply in the United States and distributed only through Raintree Nutrition. But now, you can be among a select few in the entire country to benefit from Graviola. We encourage you, as always, to consult with your doctor before beginning any new therapy, especially when treating cancer.You can make tea out of the Graviola leaves, obtain the herb alone in capsule form, or benefit from the power of Graviola combined with seven other immune-boosting herbs in Raintree Nutrition's N-Tense capsules.

Graviola fights more than cancer...

While the research on Graviola has focused on its cancer-fighting effect, the plant has been used for centuries by medicine men in South America to treat an astonishing number of ailments, including :

hypertension, ringworm, influenza, scurvy, rashes, malaria, neuralgia, dysentery, arthritis, palpitations, rheumatism, nervousness, high blood pressure, insomnia, diarrhea, fever, nausea, boils, dyspepsia, muscle spasm, ulcer,

Despite the mounting collection of laboratory tests and anecdotal reports about this cancer-fighting dynamo, Graviola may always remain an underground therapy!

Graviola has yet to be clinically tested on animals or humans. And because Graviola is a natural product, it can't be patented. Without the promise of exclusive sales and high profitability, it will likely never again draw the attention of a major drug company or research lab. So we may never see a double-blind clinical study on the tree that's reported to help defeat cancer. But there's no doubt about it--the early laboratory tests and anecdotal reports about Graviola are very exciting. And if you've been diagnosed with cancer, you and your doctor should look at all the available treatment options. Graviola may just provide the help you've been looking for that could make all the difference in beating cancer..


COMMON NAMES : Soursop, Graviola, Guanabana, Brazilian Paw Paw, Corossolier, Guanavana, Toge-Banreisi, Durian benggala, Nangka blanda, Nangka londa

PARTS USED : Leaves, Seeds, Fruit

PROPERTIES/ACTIONS : Antibacterial, Anticancerous, Antiparasitic, Antitumorous, Antispasmodic, Astringent, Cytotoxic, Febrifuge, Hypotensive, Insecticide, Nervine, Pectoral, Piscicide, Sedative, Stomachic, Vasodilator, Vermifuge

TRADITIONAL USES : Analgesic, Antispasmodic, Asthma, Astringent, Childbirth, Chills, Fevers, Flu, Diuretic, Gall-Bladder Tea, Glactagogue, Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Lactagogue, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Palpitation, Parasites, Rash, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Sedative, Scurvy, Skin Disease, Tranquilizer, Vermifuge

TRADITIONAL REMEDY : One-half cup leaf infusion or bark decoction 1-3 times daily or 1-3 ml of a 4:1 tincture twice daily or 2 to 5 grams of powdered leaves in tablets or capsules twice daily.

Monday, September 1, 2008

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ?

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. The median nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers (although not the little finger), as well as impulses to some small muscles in the hand that allow the fingers and thumb to move. The carpal tunnel - a narrow, rigid passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand - houses the median nerve and tendons. Sometimes, thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the median nerve to be compressed. The result may be pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm. Although painful sensations may indicate other conditions, carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common and widely known of the entrapment neuropathies in which the body's peripheral nerves are compressed or traumatized.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome ?
Symptoms usually start gradually, with frequent burning, tingling, or itching numbness in the palm of the hand and the fingers, especially the thumb and the index and middle fingers. Some carpal tunnel sufferers say their fingers feel useless and swollen, even though little or no swelling is apparent. The symptoms often first appear in one or both hands during the night, since many people sleep with flexed wrists. A person with carpal tunnel syndrome may wake up feeling the need to "shake out" the hand or wrist. As symptoms worsen, people might feel tingling during the day. Decreased grip strength may make it difficult to form a fist, grasp small objects, or perform other manual tasks. In chronic and/or untreated cases, the muscles at the base of the thumb may waste away. Some people are unable to tell between hot and cold by touch.

What are the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome ?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is often the result of a combination of factors that increase pressure on the median nerve and tendons in the carpal tunnel, rather than a problem with the nerve itself. Most likely the disorder is due to a congenital predisposition - the carpal tunnel is simply smaller in some people than in others. Other contributing factors include trauma or injury to the wrist that cause swelling, such as sprain or fracture; overactivity of the pituitary gland; hypothyroidism; rheumatoid arthritis; mechanical problems in the wrist joint; work stress; repeated use of vibrating hand tools; fluid retention during pregnancy or menopause; or the development of a cyst or tumor in the canal. In some cases no cause can be identified.

There is little clinical data to prove whether repetitive and forceful movements of the hand and wrist during work or leisure activities can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Repeated motions performed in the course of normal work or other daily activities can result in repetitive motion disorders such as bursitis and tendonitis. Writer's cramp - a condition in which a lack of fine motor skill coordination and ache and pressure in the fingers, wrist, or forearm is brought on by repetitive activity - is not a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Who is at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome ?
Women are three times more likely than men to develop carpal tunnel syndrome, perhaps because the carpal tunnel itself may be smaller in women than in men. The dominant hand is usually affected first and produces the most severe pain. Persons with diabetes or other metabolic disorders that directly affect the body's nerves and make them more susceptible to compression are also at high risk. Carpal tunnel syndrome usually occurs only in adults.

The risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome is not confined to people in a single industry or job, but is especially common in those performing assembly line work - manufacturing, sewing, finishing, cleaning, and meat, poultry, or fish packing. In fact, carpal tunnel syndrome is three times more common among assemblers than among data-entry personnel. A 2001 study by the Mayo Clinic found heavy computer use (up to 7 hours a day) did not increase a person's risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

During 1998, an estimated three of every 10,000 workers lost time from work because of carpal tunnel syndrome. Half of these workers missed more than 10 days of work. The average lifetime cost of carpal tunnel syndrome, including medical bills and lost time from work, is estimated to be about $30,000 for each injured worker.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed ?
Early diagnosis and treatment are important to avoid permanent damage to the median nerve. A physical examination of the hands, arms, shoulders, and neck can help determine if the patient's complaints are related to daily activities or to an underlying disorder, and can rule out other painful conditions that mimic carpal tunnel syndrome. The wrist is examined for tenderness, swelling, warmth, and discoloration. Each finger should be tested for sensation, and the muscles at the base of the hand should be examined for strength and signs of atrophy. Routine laboratory tests and X-rays can reveal diabetes, arthritis, and fractures.

Physicians can use specific tests to try to produce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. In the Tinel test, the doctor taps on or presses on the median nerve in the patient's wrist. The test is positive when tingling in the fingers or a resultant shock-like sensation occurs. The Phalen, or wrist-flexion, test involves having the patient hold his or her forearms upright by pointing the fingers down and pressing the backs of the hands together. The presence of carpal tunnel syndrome is suggested if one or more symptoms, such as tingling or increasing numbness, is felt in the fingers within 1 minute. Doctors may also ask patients to try to make a movement that brings on symptoms.

Often it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis by use of electrodiagnostic tests. In a nerve conduction study, electrodes are placed on the hand and wrist. Small electric shocks are applied and the speed with which nerves transmit impulses is measured. In electromyography, a fine needle is inserted into a muscle; electrical activity viewed on a screen can determine the severity of damage to the median nerve. Ultrasound imaging can show impaired movement of the median nerve. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show the anatomy of the wrist but to date has not been especially useful in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated ?
Treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome should begin as early as possible, under a doctor's direction. Underlying causes such as diabetes or arthritis should be treated first. Initial treatment generally involves resting the affected hand and wrist for at least 2 weeks, avoiding activities that may worsen symptoms, and immobilizing the wrist in a splint to avoid further damage from twisting or bending. If there is inflammation, applying cool packs can help reduce swelling.

Non-surgical treatments
Drugs --- In special circumstances, various drugs can ease the pain and swelling associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonprescription pain relievers, may ease symptoms that have been present for a short time or have been caused by strenuous activity. Orally administered diuretics ("water pills") can decrease swelling. Corticosteroids (such as prednisone) or the drug lidocaine can be injected directly into the wrist or taken by mouth (in the case of prednisone) to relieve pressure on the median nerve and provide immediate, temporary relief to persons with mild or intermittent symptoms. (Caution: persons with diabetes and those who may be predisposed to diabetes should note that prolonged use of corticosteroids can make it difficult to regulate insulin levels. Corticosterioids should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.) Additionally, some studies show that vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplements may ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Exercise --- Stretching and strengthening exercises can be helpful in people whose symptoms have abated. These exercises may be supervised by a physical therapist, who is trained to use exercises to treat physical impairments, or an occupational therapist, who is trained in evaluating people with physical impairments and helping them build skills to improve their health and well-being.

Alternative therapies --- Acupuncture and chiropractic care have benefited some patients but their effectiveness remains unproved. An exception is yoga, which has been shown to reduce pain and improve grip strength among patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel release is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. Generally recommended if symptoms last for 6 months, surgery involves severing the band of tissue around the wrist to reduce pressure on the median nerve. Surgery is done under local anesthesia and does not require an overnight hospital stay. Many patients require surgery on both hands. The following are types of carpal tunnel release surgery:

Open release surgery, the traditional procedure used to correct carpal tunnel syndrome, consists of making an incision up to 2 inches in the wrist and then cutting the carpal ligament to enlarge the carpal tunnel. The procedure is generally done under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, unless there are unusual medical considerations.

Endoscopic surgery may allow faster functional recovery and less postoperative discomfort than traditional open release surgery. The surgeon makes two incisions (about ½" each) in the wrist and palm, inserts a camera attached to a tube, observes the tissue on a screen, and cuts the carpal ligament (the tissue that holds joints together). This two-portal endoscopic surgery, generally performed under local anesthesia, is effective and minimizes scarring and scar tenderness, if any. One-portal endoscopic surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome is also available.

Although symptoms may be relieved immediately after surgery, full recovery from carpal tunnel surgery can take months. Some patients may have infection, nerve damage, stiffness, and pain at the scar. Occasionally the wrist loses strength because the carpal ligament is cut. Patients should undergo physical therapy after surgery to restore wrist strength. Some patients may need to adjust job duties or even change jobs after recovery from surgery.

Recurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome following treatment is rare. The majority of patients recover completely.

How can carpal tunnel syndrome be prevented ?
At the workplace, workers can do on-the-job conditioning, perform stretching exercises, take frequent rest breaks, wear splints to keep wrists straight, and use correct posture and wrist position. Wearing fingerless gloves can help keep hands warm and flexible. Workstations, tools and tool handles, and tasks can be redesigned to enable the worker's wrist to maintain a natural position during work. Jobs can be rotated among workers. Employers can develop programs in ergonomics, the process of adapting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of workers. However, research has not conclusively shown that these workplace changes prevent the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar !

In India, Ayurvedic physicians prescribe apple cider vinegar in combination with the herb Gotu Kola to help in the revitalizing of the skin. Indians have been known to consume apple cider vinegar in combination with honey to improve digestion.
It contributes greatly to the breaking down of food in the body and also prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying. Even respiratory infections can be kept at bay, sore throats improve, and nasal discharges decrease.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been proclaimed by the ancient Egyptians and have been traditionally used by them to treat ailments of all kinds. In fact they believed apple cider acted as a tonic improving the circulation and flow of blood.

Apples are allowed to ferment and this fermented fruit acid, which is loaded with pectin and minerals like potassium, chlorine, magnesium, sodium and calcium, seems to be a panacea. In addition it contains vitamins and beta-carotene. In fact experiments have proved that it contains carbolic acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and acetates also.

It is no wonder than that the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are infinite. Pectin in the apples is a fiber, which attaches itself to cholesterol globules, and when combined with the herb centella aids in getting rid of bad cholesterol and helps in regulating blood pressure. This fruit acid is often used by some as a final hair-rinse.

A look at how the minerals contribute to the overall health of a person is very fascinating. The potassium present in apple cider vinegar is vital because it helps to remove the excess water and also the toxic waste. The excess of sodium is also drawn out and it helps to regulate blood pressure.

Calcium, which is important for the bones and for combating osteoporosis, is an important constituent of apple cider vinegar. The beta carotene actually is supposed to help people to retain their youth longer as it counters effectively the damage made by free radicals..

The virtues of apple cider vinegar seem to extend itself beyond normal peripheries. Every constituent seems to play an important role. The malic acid and acetic acid present help to combat fungal and bacterial infections and relieves painful joints. The malic acid dissolves the deposits of uric acid, which form around the joints, and slowly pushes the acid deposits out of the body. It seems to even have some effect on viruses.

The amino acids present in apple cider vinegar act as an antibiotic and an antiseptic. It has been known to drastically reduce the toxicity in the body. This is because the acetic acid is able to form acetate compounds, which are not so toxic. This property makes it very useful while treating insect bites and skin allergies.

Arthritis has plagued people for centuries and apple cider combined with centella actually relieves pain due to arthritis. By Strengthening arteries and assisting in healing of wounds, improving skin lesions and reducing the effects of varicose veins, apple cider vinegar has been elevated to the status of a total health benefit product. It reduces stress and tension and revitalizes the body. The health benefits of apple cider vinegar just cannot be ignored.

Apple cider vinegar speeds up metabolism especially when taken regularly before meals and if used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program it can be a powerful aid in keeping your weight under control.. Apple cider vinegar has less salt, less sugar and less fat, helps in digestion and helps in the metabolism of food. If the metabolic activity increases, then more food is used to get energy and less of it is stored as fat. So if you want to lose weight, use apple cider vinegar.

Possibly what contributes to the all round potency of apple cider vinegar is the number of enzymes and organic acids produced during the 2 fermentations. apple cider vinegar is claimed to be a natural multi vitamin and mineral treasure house. Even Hippocrates—the father of medicine acknowledged the wonderful healing properties of apple cider vinegar.