Monday, February 28, 2011

Health benefits of Natural Seaweed

Earlier on, in this same blog ... I had posted this same article under .... and surprisingly, this article has attracted more than 200 readers. I have been promoting this item to my circle of friends and indeed, many have found this item helpful in resolving some of their health problems.

Incidentally, the reason why this article appears again today ... I happened to come across this person who is a wholesaler for this seaweed. He has been exporting in huge volumes, both for domestic and international markets.

Attached herewith, please find some pictures of his packing and his selling prices are as follows :

Price per packet  :  Msian Ringgitt 15.00  (USD $ 5.00)

Exclusion  :  Above price does not include local postage or oversea postage
Weight  :  200 gm
Condition  :  Dried form
Storing  :  Will last a long time as it is dried under the open sky, as soon as they are harvested from the sea. The seawater will act as its preservative. No chemical is added. They are obtainable from the shallow crystal clear water around the islands between Philippines and Sabah water. It can be stored for a long time in an air-tight container.

- helps to stabilize cholestrol level, diabetes and hypertension;
- improve blood circulation;
- stunts tumor growth and enhances cell regeneration;
- slowing down ageing;
- supports stronger bone health, teeth and joints' functions;
- supports kidney functions, including maintaining prostrate health;
- promotes good liver health;
- reduce cancer risks;
- promotes better skin complexion, including healthy hair;
- promotes better growth of brain cells and alertness

How to prepare 
Grab a handful of dried seaweed from the packing and soak them in cold water for 3 - 4 hours. Change the water repeatedly a few times to remove any residue. Always remember .... each handful of dried seaweed will be converted into 05 times from its original amount, when it is finally done.

The water (during changing) can be used to water your plants around your house. It will act as a good fertilizer. Plants and flowers are noted to grow and bloom much more healthy too.

The final result will appear slight yellowish in color (see pictures) and spongy. It is ready for consumption. Whatever left, they can be kept in the refrigerator and placed them in a container. Finish them within 2 - 3 weeks. Note : Therefore, in order not to have too much excess, always prepare an amount which is enough for your own consumption.

Method of Consumption
- it can be blended together with fruits when you are preparing fruit juices to drink;
- it can be added in your hot soup, or oatmeal, or any hot drinks (easily melted in hot liquid);
- it is best consumed as salad dish. Just add any fresh item (particularly fruits and vegetables) as garnishes;
- some prefer to save time (like myself) and just grab a handful and chew it in your mouth, before swallowing. Besides, it is tasteless and odourless, and easy to eat in that manner. This is extremely helpful and good for young children who refuses to eat vegetables.

From the Author's Desk

There is no harm trying as this is a natural product, harvested directly from the sea. Do not fear of any harmful pollutant, as seaweed will only grow in a condition where their breeding ground must be clean and full of oxygen and sunshine.

As a matter of personal advice, some people do enjoy the benefits, while others were happy to resolve their other problems. Thus, it also depends on individual's body to gain the benefits. Subsequently, there are also others, who might not experience any improvement but nonetheless, seaweed is also a good form of food item which also assisted in eliminating toxins, particularly from the Stomach and Large Intestines, where toxic waste might be accumulating over the years (from the food we consumed).

What is meant by Pinched Nerve ?

Nowadays, it is nothing uncommon for patients, who are actually experiencing a pinched nerve condition, are been told by their attending doctors that they are suffering from bone-spur. Only the experienced doctors will
go to the extent of explaining such condition in the proper manner.

I have included an article which I have found to be very informative, extracted from the website of for everyone's reading pleasure.

A pinched nerve refers to a condition where there is nerve root irritation or nerve root compression. This nerve problem can occur either in the spine or in a more peripheral location. Symptoms include numbness, "pins and needles" or burning sensations, and pain radiating outward from the injured area.

Numbness, a loss of feeling or sensation, usually arises from damage or disease of nerves. Numbness is often associated with or preceded by abnormal pain-like sensations often described as pins-and-needles, prickling or burning sensations; these are called paresthesias. Numbness is loss of sensation whereas paralysis usually involves both the loss of the ability to move the area and loss of sensations. Any numbness or abnormal sensation symptoms need prompt professional medical advice.

Abnormal nerve sensations such as pins-and-needles, tingling, burning, prickling or similar feelings are all known as "paresthesias". They usually result from nerve damage due to pressure (such as a pinched nerve), nerve entrapment, or diseases. Continued nerve damage can lead to numbness.

Numbness, a loss of feeling or sensation, usually arises from damage or disease of nerves. Numbness is often associated with or preceded by abnormal pain-like sensations often described as pins-and-needles, prickling or burning sensations; these are called paresthesias. Numbness is loss of sensation whereas paralysis usually involves both the loss of the ability to move the area and loss of sensations. Any numbness or abnormal sensation symptoms need prompt professional medical advice.

Abnormal nerve sensations such as pins-and-needles, tingling, burning, prickling or similar feelings are all known as "paresthesias". They usually result from nerve damage due to pressure (such as a pinched nerve), nerve entrapment, or diseases. Continued nerve damage can lead to numbness.
Paresthesias can affect various parts of the body. Hands, fingers, and feet are common sites but all are possibilities. Afflictions of specific nerves or spinal nerves can also cause paresthesias in particular skin areas of the body.

Parethesias with simple causes such as pressing on a nerve are usually reversible. Certain other nerve conditions such as peripheral neuropathy (often from diabetes), lupus complications, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or multiple sclerosis are also possible causes of parethesias. Because of the variety of possible causes, any abnormal sensation needs prompt professional medical investigation.

Pain is also a pinched nerve symptom. There are many types of pain and many locations to get pain. The body uses pain to tell the brain that something is wrong. Never ignore pain. Any type of pain symptom needs prompt professional medical advice for diagnosis of the underlying cause of the pain.

Pain is one type in a spectrum of sensations, involving the nerves and the brain, ranging from agony to numbness. Unusual sensations such as tingling, burning, or "pins-and-needles" type pain are called paresthesias.

Pain varies in intensity and level. Sudden severe pain is called acute pain; ongoing persistent pain is chronic pain.

With pinched nerves in the neck, a patient may complain of numbness, tingling, or pain radiating from the shoulder into the hand. Pain also radiate up the back of the head or into the upper back or chest. Weakness in the arm may also occur.

Pain due to a pinched nerve in the low back causes sciatica, a severe pain that radiates down the posterior leg into the buttock and down the back of the leg. The pain may radiate to the foot. Weakness in the leg may also occur.

Pain due to a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine can cause pain in the mid back, shoulder blade, and chest.

Peripheral nerve entrapment- carpal tunnel syndrome in the hand or tarsal tunnel syndrome in the foot- may also cause numbness, tingling, and pain. Paresthesias can affect various parts of the body. Hands, fingers, and feet are common sites but all are possibilities. Afflictions of specific nerves or spinal nerves can also cause paresthesias in particular skin areas of the body.

Parethesias with simple causes such as pressing on a nerve are usually reversible. Certain other nerve conditions such as peripheral neuropathy (often from diabetes), lupus complications, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or multiple sclerosis are also possible causes of parethesias. Because of the variety of possible causes, any abnormal sensation needs prompt professional medical investigation.

Pain is also a pinched nerve symptom. There are many types of pain and many locations to get pain. The body uses pain to tell the brain that something is wrong. Never ignore pain. Any type of pain symptom needs prompt professional medical advice for diagnosis of the underlying cause of the pain.

Pain is one type in a spectrum of sensations, involving the nerves and the brain, ranging from agony to numbness. Unusual sensations such as tingling, burning, or "pins-and-needles" type pain are called paresthesias.

Pain varies in intensity and level. Sudden severe pain is called acute pain; ongoing persistent pain is chronic pain.

With pinched nerves in the neck, a patient may complain of numbness, tingling, or pain radiating from the shoulder into the hand. Pain also radiate up the back of the head or into the upper back or chest. Weakness in the arm may also occur.

Pain due to a pinched nerve in the low back causes sciatica, a severe pain that radiates down the posterior leg into the buttock and down the back of the leg. The pain may radiate to the foot. Weakness in the leg may also occur.

Pain due to a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine can cause pain in the mid back, shoulder blade, and chest.

Peripheral nerve entrapment- carpal tunnel syndrome in the hand or tarsal tunnel syndrome in the foot- may also cause numbness, tingling, and pain. Paresthesias can affect various parts of the body. Hands, fingers, and feet are common sites but all are possibilities. Afflictions of specific nerves or spinal nerves can also cause paresthesias in particular skin areas of the body.

Parethesias with simple causes such as pressing on a nerve are usually reversible. Certain other nerve conditions such as peripheral neuropathy (often from diabetes), lupus complications, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or multiple sclerosis are also possible causes of parethesias. Because of the variety of possible causes, any abnormal sensation needs prompt professional medical investigation.

Pain is also a pinched nerve symptom. There are many types of pain and many locations to get pain. The body uses pain to tell the brain that something is wrong. Never ignore pain. Any type of pain symptom needs prompt professional medical advice for diagnosis of the underlying cause of the pain.

Pain is one type in a spectrum of sensations, involving the nerves and the brain, ranging from agony to numbness. Unusual sensations such as tingling, burning, or "pins-and-needles" type pain are called paresthesias.

Pain varies in intensity and level. Sudden severe pain is called acute pain; ongoing persistent pain is chronic pain.

With pinched nerves in the neck, a patient may complain of numbness, tingling, or pain radiating from the shoulder into the hand. Pain also radiate up the back of the head or into the upper back or chest. Weakness in the arm may also occur.

Pain due to a pinched nerve in the low back causes sciatica, a severe pain that radiates down the posterior leg into the buttock and down the back of the leg. The pain may radiate to the foot. Weakness in the leg may also occur.

Pain due to a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine can cause pain in the mid back, shoulder blade, and chest.

Peripheral nerve entrapment- carpal tunnel syndrome in the hand or tarsal tunnel syndrome in the foot- may also cause numbness, tingling, and pain.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Health benefit of Pine Bark Extracts

[Extracted from the web pages of &]

Health benefits of pine bark extracts include lower blood pressure, high levels of antioxidants, improvements in memory and reduced inflammation.

Health Benefits of Pine Bark Extracts – Pycnogenol Supplements

French maritime pine bark extracts are recognised to be rich in flavonoids, which are identified as being significantly more powerful than both vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as much more active than grapeseed extracts.

For many years, herbalists have been using bark extracts from the French maritime pine (Pinus maritima) as means to treat a number of health conditions. The extracts may be bought from health food stores and pharmacies, and are known as "Pycnogenol." The maritime pine tree lives in the western Mediterranean and can be found throughout parts of Spain, Italy, France, Morocco and Portugal. Discovered many years ago, in the 1500′s by a French explorer, the bark has helped many people over the last 450 years. Although the reasons for why the pine bark helped many people was not really known, in the 1950′s a man named Jacques Masquelier began to do a more thorough investigation on the beneficial properties of the ingredients found in the bark. This is when the antioxidant properties were discovered. The bark of the maritime pine tree contains chemicals called proanthocyanidins. This is turned into an extract that has antioxidant properties that people can use to benefit their health.

The pine bark extract is typically sold as the brand Pycnogenol. This is not the only form of the extract sold but is becoming one of the most popular. Proanthocyanidins are also found in other sources, including other plants as well as in grape seeds. There is much research being done to determine just how beneficial the antioxidants found in the pine bark extract are to human health. It is well known that antioxidants are wonderful for the human body, however determining how strong the antioxidant properties are in the pine bark extract and how well they work inside the human body is a continued study. Since antioxidants are used to rid the body of free radicals that attack the cell membranes and cause aging and damage to the cells, having as many sources of antioxidants as possible in the diet is important.

Many studies have been conducted on the use and benefits of pine bark extract and some of the studies have shown that it has proven beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels in patients suffering from diabetes. It may also help reduce swelling in those suffering from a condition called chronic venous insufficiency. Many people believe that the antioxidant components of the pine bark extract offer many other benefits as well. Protection against arthritis, protection against heart disease, cancers, and diabetes are all on the list of positives. Also preventing circulatory and swelling problems may be helped by taking pine bark extract. Some people have reported feeling less stressed, having a better memory, feeling less inflammation in their joints and having better flexibility due to taking the pine bark extract. The antioxidant qualities of the pine bark extract may also be the key to lowering cholesterol. Studies have shown that people who consume antioxidants on a regular basis have lower cholesterol levels than those who consume less antioxidants in their diet.

Therefore if we begin taking supplements that contain high antioxidant levels, we may be able to ward off high cholesterol and lessen the risk of blocked arteries and heart disease.

Other benefits include :
  • anti-inflammatory benefits
  • regulate nitric oxide, which is involved in blood vessel dilation
  • strengthen fragile capillaries
  • reduce abnormal blood clotting, ankle swelling
  • help lower risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on long-haul flights
  • improves blood-thinning action of ASPIRIN®
  • boost circulation; reduces cramps and muscular pain
  • help improve leg ulcers
  • lower blood pressure
  • reduce "bad" cholesterol and raise "good" cholesterol
  • improve memory and ability to "think straight"
  • minimise hayfever and asthma symptoms
  • reduce need for asthma inhalers
  • improve blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes sufferers
  • help prevent/treat diabetic foot ulcers
  • reduce osteoarthritis pain and stiffness
  • improve menopausal flushing and night sweats
  • minimize menstrual pain
You can find pine bark extract in varying strengths and forms. Most vitamin shops will carry the pine bark extract in either a capsule or a tablet form. Make sure that you take the appropriate dosage listed on the label or discuss the appropriate amount you should take with a doctor or pharmacist. Depending on the person’s size, age and needs for the extract, dosages may vary from person to person.

Although pine bark extract may not have been heard of by many, it is growing in popularity and demand. The more scientific studies that are being done with pine bark extract are showing that there may be more and more benefits of this interesting ingredient. Over time we will continue to hear of more reasons why we should begin including this extract into our diets.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health benefits of Spinach

 Extracted from the web page of]

Among the World's Healthiest vegetables, spinach comes out at the top of our ranking list for nutrient richness. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is also concentrated in health-promoting phytonutrients such as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin) and flavonoids to provide you with powerful antioxidant protection. Enjoy baby spinach in your favorite salads or make a salad made exclusively of baby spinach. Spinach is one of only three vegetables that we recommend boiling to help reduce its concentration of oxalic acid. We recommend boiling for just 1 minute to minimize loss of nutrients and flavor.

We all know that Popeye made himself super strong by eating spinach, but you may be surprised to learn that he may also have been helping to protect himself against inflammatory problems, oxidative stress-related problems, cardiovascular problems, bone problems, and cancers at the same time.

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Benefits from Spinach Phytonutrients*
Even though virtually all vegetables contain a wide variety of phytonutrients- including flavonoids and carotenoids-spinach can claim a special place among vegetables in terms of its phytonutrient content. Researchers have identified more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. (Some of these substances fall into a technical category of flavonoids known as methylenedioxyflavonol glucuronides.) The anticancer properties of these spinach flavonoids have been sufficiently impressive to prompt researchers to create specialized spinach extracts that could be used in controlled laboratory studies. These spinach extracts have been shown to slow down cell division in human stomach cancer cells (gastric adenocarcinomas), and in studies on laboratory animals, to reduce skin cancers (skin papillomas). A study on adult women living in New England in the late 1980s also showed intake of spinach to be inversely related to incidence of breast cancer.

Excessive inflammation, of course, typically emerges as a risk factor for increased cancer risk. (That's why many anti-inflammatory nutrients can also be shown to have anti-cancer properties.) But even when unrelated to cancer, excessive inflammation has been shown to be less likely following consumption of spinach. Particularly in the digestive tract, reduced inflammation has been associated not only with the flavonoids found in spinach, but also with its carotenoids. Neoxanthin and violaxanthin are two anti-inflammatory epoxyxanthophylls that are found in plentiful amounts in the leaves of spinach. While these unique carotenoids may not be as readily absorbed as carotenoids like beta-carotene or lutein, they still play an important role in regulation of inflammation and are present in unusual amounts in spinach.

Decreased risk of aggressive prostate cancer is one health benefit of spinach consumption that should not be overlooked when talking about the anti-cancer properties of spinach. "Aggressive prostate cancer" is defined as stage III or IV prostate cancer which carries with it a Gleason score of at least 7. (Gleason scores are prostate cancer rating measurements that require lab studies of prostate tissue and evaluation of common tumor-related patterns.) Interestingly, in a recent study that evaluated possible prostate cancer-prevention benefits from a variety of vegetables including spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard and turnip greens, collards, and kale - only spinach showed evidence of significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.

Antioxidant benefits of spinach*
Most of the flavonoid and carotenoid nutrients found in spinach that provide anti-inflammatory benefits provide antioxidant benefits as well. Given the fact that spinach is an excellent source of other antioxidant nutrients - including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and manganese-as well as a very good source of the antioxidant zinc and a good source of the antioxidant selenium-it's no wonder that spinach helps lower risk of numerous health problems related to oxidative stress. Our blood vessels, for example, are especially susceptible to damage from oxidative stress, and intake of spinach has been associated with decreased risk of several blood vessel-related problems, including atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. (Interestingly, the blood pressure benefits of spinach may be related not only to its antioxidants, but also to some of its special peptides. Peptides are small pieces of protein, and researchers have discovered several peptides in spinach that can help lower blood pressure by inhibiting an enzyme called angiotensin I-converting enzyme.)
Two of the carotenoids that are especially plentiful in spinach-lutein and zeaxanthin-are primary antioxidants in several regions of the eye, including the retina and the macula. Although we haven't seen specific studies on spinach intake and prevention of eye-related problems like macular degeneration, we have seen studies showing that human blood levels of lutein can be increased by consumption of spinach in everyday amounts. We've also seen at least one group of researchers suggesting that spinach has a likely role to play in prevention of eye problems, including age-related macular degeneration.

The vitamin K provided by spinach-almost 200% of the Daily Value in one cup of fresh spinach leaves and over 1000% of the Daily Value in one cup of boiled spinach (which contains about 6 times as much spinach)-is important for maintaining bone health. Vitamin K1 helps prevent excessive activation of osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone. Additionally, friendly bacteria in our intestines convert vitamin K1 into vitamin K2, which activates osteocalcin, the major non-collagen protein in bone. Osteocalcin anchors calcium molecules inside of the bone. All of these vitamin K-related mechanisms point to the importance of vitamin K-rich foods for bone health, and it is difficult to find vegetables that are richer in vitamin K than spinach. (On our World's Healthiest Foods list, only kale provides more micrograms of vitamin K per cup.) Spinach is also an excellent source of other bone-supportive nutrients including calcium and magnesium.
So while spinach probably won't make you super strong the minute you eat it, as it did for Popeye, it will promote your health and vitality in many other ways. It seems like Popeye was pretty smart after all.

Calorie for calorie, leafy green vegetables like spinach with its delicate texture and jade green color provide more nutrients than any other food. Although spinach is available throughout the year, its season runs from March through May and from September through October when it is the freshest, has the best flavor, and is most readily available. Spinach belongs to the same family (Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae) as Swiss chard and beets and has the scientific name, Spinacia oleracea. It shares a similar taste profile with these two other vegetables, having the bitterness of beet greens and the slightly salty flavor of Swiss chard.

Popeye popularized spinach, but it's too bad he ate it out of a can. Fresh spinach retains the delicacy of texture and green color that is lost when spinach is processed. Raw spinach has a mild, slightly sweet taste that can be refreshing in salads, while its flavor becomes more acidic and robust when it is cooked.
There are three different types of spinach generally available. Savoy has crisp, creased curly leaves that have a springy texture. Smooth-leaf has flat, unwrinkled, spade-shaped leaves, while semi-savoy is similar in texture to savoy but is not as crinkled in appearance. Baby spinach is great for use in salads owing to its taste and delicate texture.

Spinach is thought to have originated in ancient Persia (Iran). Spinach made its way to China in the 7th century when the king of Nepal sent it as a gift to this country. Spinach has a much more recent history in Europe than many other vegetables. It was only brought to that continent in the 11th century, when the Moors introduced it into Spain. In fact, for a while, spinach was known as "the Spanish vegetable" in England.
Spinach was the favorite vegetable of Catherine de Medici, a historical figure in the 16th century. When she left her home of Florence, Italy, to marry the king of France, she brought along her own cooks, who could prepare spinach the ways that she especially liked. Since this time, dishes prepared on a bed of spinach are referred to as "a la Florentine."

Spinach grows well in temperate climates. Today, the United States and the Netherlands are among the largest commercial producers of spinach.

Choose spinach that has vibrant deep green leaves and stems with no signs of yellowing. The leaves should look fresh and tender, and not be wilted or bruised. Avoid those that have a slimy coating as this is an indication of decay.

Do not wash spinach before storing as the exposure to water encourages spoilage. Place spinach in a plastic storage bag and wrap the bag tightly around the spinach, squeezing out as much of the air as possible. Place in refrigerator where it will keep fresh for up to 5 days.

Avoid storing cooked spinach as it will not keep very well.

Tips for Preparing Spinach*
Spinach should be washed very well since the leaves and stems tend to collect sand and soil. Before washing, trim off the roots and separate the leaves. Place the spinach in a large bowl of tepid water and swish the leaves around with your hands as this will allow any dirt to become dislodged. Remove the leaves from the water, empty the bowl, refill with clean water and repeat this process until no dirt remains in the water (usually two to three times will do the trick). Do not leave spinach soaking in the water as water-soluble nutrients will leach into the water.

Spinach sold in bags has been pre-washed and only needs to be rinsed. If you are going to use it in a salad, dry it using a salad spinner or by shaking it in a colander.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Spinach*
Spinach is only one of three vegetables we recommend boiling to free up acids and allow them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the spinach. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content.

Use a large pot (3 quart) with lots of water and bring to a rapid boil. Add spinach to the boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Begin timing as soon as you place the spinach in the pot if you are using 1 pound or less of spinach. If you are cooking larger quantities of spinach bring the water back to a boil before beginning timing the 1 minute. Do not cover the pot when cooking spinach. Leaving the pot uncovered helps to release more of the acids with the rising steam. Research has shown that the boiling of spinach in large amounts of water helps decrease the oxalic acid content by as much as 50%.

Remove spinach from pot, press out liquid with a fork, place in a bowl, toss with our Mediterranean Dressing, and top with your favorite optional ingredients.

Spinach is an excellent source of bone-healthy vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, and calcium; heart-healthy folate, potassium, and vitamin B6; energy-producing iron and vitamin B2; and free radical-scavenging vitamin A (through its concentration of beta-carotene) and vitamin C. It is a very good source of digestion-supportive dietary fiber, muscle-building protein, energy-producing phosphorus, and the antioxidants copper, zinc and vitamin E. In addition, it is a good source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and heart-healthy niacin and selenium. While this mixture of conventional nutrients gives spinach a unique status in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory department, it is the unusual mixture of phytonutrients in spinach that "seals the deal" in terms of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. In terms of flavonoids, spinach is a unique source of methylenedioxyflavonol glucuronides, and in terms of carotenoids, its difficult to find a more helpful source of lutein and zeaxanthin. The epoxyxanthophyll carotenoids neoxanthin and violaxanthin are also welcomed constituents of spinach leaves.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Saviour for Diabetes (Insupro Forte)

[Extracted from the web page of]

A true saviour of diabetics, Insupro Forte is made with plant derived insulin antibody. The insulin used is extracted from 100% natural bitter gourd by advanced bio-technological methods. Each Insupro Forte contains at least 200 IU of botanical insulin.

Insupro Forte is a molecular plant protein, and is more readily absorbed into our system when compared to animal insulin. Insupro Forte not only helps to bring down the blood sugar level, it also helps repair physically altered cells. Insupro Forte not only protects the cells, in fact it promotes the production of more cells.
This increase in healthy cells restores the function of pancreas. This property of Insupro Forte differs greatly from the insulin replacement property of conventional medication. On top of that, clinical trials have proven that an overdose on Insupro Forte does not induce hypoglycemia or other side effects.

6 people die from diabetes every minute

Diabetics are up to 2.5 times more likely to go blind compared against the general population. The risk of amputation is even more pronounced, the risk is estimated to be up to 20 times higher than average. Diabetics are 2-3 times more likely to develop cardiovascular problems, and the risk of kidney failure is 17 times higher.

Why choose Insupro Forte ?

1. Insupro Forte is a high tech product that can improve the blood sugar level in 7-10 days of consumption.

2. Medically proven in more than 600 case studies in 20 hospitals to be effective in lowering the blood sugar level.

3. It had been proven by a research done by University Malaya to have similar effects to medicines used in diabetes treatment.

4. It can replace medicine in the treatment of diabetes (a clinical trial had verified that it has the same properties as Metformin, and is effective up to 86.68%)

5. Plant derived insulin – each capsule contains 200 IU insulin

6. Naturally derived – safe and without side-effects

Insupro Forte has been proven time and again in clinical trials. Over 600 case studies done in 20 hospitals have shown its effectiveness in lowering blood sugar level.

Participating hospitals :

1. The affiliated hospital of the Chinese Medicine Research College, Shanxi province
2. 1st affiliated hospital of Xian Medical University
3. 323 hospital of the PLA
4. The affiliated hospital of Chengdu Chinese Medical University
5. The 1st Clinical College of Chinese Medical University
6. The affiliated hospital of Dalian Medical University
7. The affiliated hospital of Guangzhou Chinese Medical University
8. The affiliated Shuguang hospital of Shanghai Chinese Medical University
9. The affiliated Longhua hospital of Shanghai Chinese Medical University
10. Endocrine and Diabetes Research Centre of Qingdao, Shandong province
11. Diabetic Hospital and Endocrine & Diabetes Research Centre of Qingdao, Shandong province
12. Xiyuan Hospital, Beijing
13. The People’s Hospital of Henan Province
14. Dengzhou City Hospital
15. The 3rd Medical College of Hebei
16. The People’s Hospital of Jiangsu Province
17. The affiliated hospital of the 2nd Hospital of Lanzhou
18. The affiliated Xiehe Hospital of Fuzhou Medical College
19. The Chinese Medical Hospital of the autonomous region of Weiwuer, Xinjiang
20. The affiliated Daping Hospital of the 3rd Military Medical Universit

Combining clinical trials from 20 hospitals
1. From clinical trial figures published by the 20 hospitals, it is statistically calculated that Insupro Forte has an overall success rate of 86.67%

2. Insupro Forte is effective in controlling the blood sugar level. It is effective in controlling the blood sugar level before, and 2 hours after a meal.

3. The effect of Insupro Forte is steady, mild and long-lasting. No side-effects are reported during the clinical trials. On top of that, even a large dosage does not cause hypoglycemia.

4. Insupro Forte can improve the metabolism of fats, including the reduction of triglycerides and total cholesterol level, the improvement of high density lipoprotein level, and further prevent the development of complications.

5. Insupro Forte is effective in relieving the symptoms of diabetes, such as :
hunger, persistent thirst, frequent urinating, weigh loss, tiredness, back pains, and weakness in the leg

Clinically proven, acknowledged by experts
Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya
According to a research headed by Prof. Mustafa Ali Mohd,

1. Bitter gourd extract is effective in lowering blood sugar level

2. The blood glucose lowering property of the bitter gourd extract is comparable to specialized drugs that are used in treating diabetes.


Insupro Forte regulates blood sugar level through the following mechanisms :
1. The orally taken capsule is directly absorbed by the mucous membrane, and helps replenish the external source of insulin.

2. Activate ß cells, resulting in the production of more insulin.

3. Promote the receptiveness of the cells to insulin, and reverse the resistance to insulin. It promotes the synthesis of glycogen, thus lowering blood sugar levels.

4. Increase the number of receptors on the red blood cells; improve the delivery of insulin, resulting in the more effective lowering of blood sugar levels.

Each box (as shown above) consisted of 60 vegetable capsules. It is advisable to consume 02 capsules based on 03 times daily (after meal), and this box will last for 10 days. For each patient who wishes to try this herbal formula, it is recommended that he/she must try to consume at least 03 box (60 capsules x 03 boxes), in order to achieve the best  result. Each box cost M $ 100 (excluding any postal charges). Any interested person, can always reach me by email !

Frequenty Ask Quetion

1. What are the ingredients of Insupro Forte ?
Insupro Forte is extracted from bitter gourd (balsam pear); it is rich in plant insulin (each extract contains 400 µ IU/g of insulin) and lots of Momordicoside & Charatin which are effective in reducing blood glucose level. It is developed specially for treating diabetes.

2. How much bitter gourd is needed to produce one capsule of Insupro Forte ?
3-5kg of bitter gourd is needed to produce one capsule of Insupro Forte. This is due to the fact that only a small amount of effective ingredients are extracted from bitter gourd, the remaining ingredients are used to produce side products.

3. Can I take Insupro Forte together with other diabetic medicines ?Yes, you can, but Insupro Forte must be taken at least half an hour before other medicines (traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine)

4. How long it takes for us to see the results ?
The effectiveness of Insupro Forte depends on individual health conditions of the patients. Generally, the results can be seen within 7-10 days. Better results can be seen if the patients have proper diet.

5. Can I take Insupro Forte together with other INS products (e.g. So Easy) ?
All INS products can be taken together because they are all made of natural ingredients. If you wish to start the consumption of So Easy and Insupro Forte at the same time, you are recommended to take So Easy first. This is because during the initial consumption of So Easy, the glucose contents in blood may fluctuate during the adjustment period. The consumption of Insupro Forte may also bring such effects. In order to avoid any confusion, the users are advised to start with So Easy first, following by Insupro Forte. The consumption of Insupro Forte with other products such as Wheatgrass Tea will bring better results.

6. Can I take Insupro Forte together with other foods, medicines, drinks such as Ginseng, tea and coffee ?
It is not advisable to take Insupro Forte with other foods because this will affect its effectiveness. Besides, diabetics are not advised to drink excessive tea or coffee because these drinks will jeopardize their health conditions.

7. Can Insupro Forte be taken by patients with unstable blood glucose level ?
Generally, the blood glucose level would not change much, except in abnormal circumstances or within adjustment period during the consumption of healthcare products. Thus, users are advised to find out the root of the problem and start consuming Insupro Forte after the blood glucose level is stabilized.

8. What are the groups of people not encouraged to take Insupro Forte ?
  • Expecting mothers and breast feeding mothers
  • Every expecting mother has the risk of delivering unhealthy babies. In order to avoid unnecessary problems, pregnant ladies are recommended to consume Insupro Forte after giving birth.
  • Breast feeding mothers need to provide sufficient milk for their babies. Since Insupro Forte may affect the quality and supply of milk, they are advised to start consumption after lactation.
  • Severe kidney failure patients.
  • Severe kidney failure patients belong to high risk group. Thus, for safety purposes, consumption of Insupro Forte is not encouraged
9. Can Insupro Forte be taken before and after surger ?
Insupro Forte can only be taken after a patient’s condition is confirmed stable by the attending doctor after surgery.

10. What are the therapeutic effects of Insupro Forte ?
Whether there are therapeutic effects during the initial stage of consumption is much depending on individual health conditions. For diabetics, all the diabetic symptoms may appear again, such as thirsty, frequent micturition etc. Sudden change in blood glucose level is one of the most obvious symptoms. The duration of such symptoms is also related to the health conditions of the patients. Some may last for 2 to 3 days; some may even last for few weeks.

12. What are the measures to be taken if the therapeutic effects are too strong ?

You are advised to stop consuming Insupro Forte if the effects are too strong, e.g. the blood glucose level increases to maximum level. You may resume consuming after such symptoms are gone.

13. Will hyperglycemia reoccur after stop consuming Insupro Forte ?

No. The functions of Insupro Forte include enhancing insulin production by cells, improving cell sensitivity towards insulin, increasing the amounts of red blood cell receptors and enhancing transportation of insulin. In other words, it repairs pancreas functions. It is recommended to take 2 capsules a day for healthcare and prevention purposes. Meanwhile, proper and healthy diet must be maintained as well.

14. Other than being taken orally, can Insupro Forte be applied externally ?
Insupro Forte is to be taken orally. If the patients wish to accelerate the recovery of wounds, they can apply Wheatgrass Tea externally on the wounds because Wheatgrass is very effective in healing wounds.

15. Why is Insupro Forte the best choice? What are the distinguishing features of Insupro Forte ?

The distinguishing features are as follows :

- Insupro Forte is a plant insulin extracted from natural ingredients (bitter gourd)
- Pure and natural, toxin-free
- No side effects (side effects caused by medication can be avoided)
- Its effectiveness is proven through clinical researches done by 20 hospitals on 600 patients (Diabetes I and Diabetes II), including researches done by Professor Zhang who is the Deputy President of China Diabetes Society. The effectiveness of Insupro Forte is proven to be as high as 86.68%, and its results can be seen within 7-10 days.
- Recognized by medical science: Clinical researches done by the most well-known university in Malaysia – University of Malaya proved that Insupro Forte can reduce blood glucose level effectively.
- Strictly tested and approved by Ministry of Health, Malaysia

- registered medicine

- proven for safety consumption
- The quantitative standard of Insupro Forte is basing on its activeness. The insulin contained in each gram of extract is 400µ IU/g. Other products made of bitter gourd are basing on Charatin.
- Research results on 480 animals with 3g a day (6 capsules) did not show any hypoglycemia symptoms. Thus, it is proven to be safe and toxin-free. Excessive consumption would not cause any hypoglycemia problems.
- The main functions of Insupro Forte include protecting cells, stimulating the growth of cells and restoring cells which have gone through physical changes. This will further improve pancreas functions. Thus, it is totally different from replacement treatment used in western medication.

16. Since Insupro Forte is extracted from bitter gourd, can I eat fresh bitter gourd instead ?
Insupro Forte is extracted through high biotechnology. The contents of a capsule are extracted from 3-5kg of bitter gourd. The bitter gourd extracts are processed through high technology to improve the resistance to gastric acid and absorption by body. Direct consumption of fresh bitter gourd will cause two problems: firstly, there are not much of active ingredients in bitter gourd which can effectively reduce the blood glucose level. You need to eat lots of bitter gourd in order to obtain the equivalent amount of active ingredients in one capsule of Insupro Forte. Moreover, the suggested dosage is 6 capsules per day, thus the quantity of bitter gourd you need to take is too much. Secondly, most of the active ingredients in bitter gourd may be destroyed through digestion, thus the functions in reducing blood glucose level are deteriorated.

17. How could Insupro Forte reduce the blood glucose level ?
Active ingredients extracted from bitter gourd or plant insulin have 3 similarities with animal insulin :
1. Both have similar double chain peptide protein structure
2. Both can reduce the blood glucose level
3. The activeness and content can be tested through radioimmunoassay. Radioimmunoassay utilizes the theory that insulin can be integrated with insulin antibody to identify the activeness and content of insulin.
4. Insupro Forte has been tested containing 200µ IU of plant insulin by using radioimmunoassay method. This proves that it has the same activeness as insulin. Otherwise, it could not integrate with insulin antibody in the experiment. Researches of Insupro Forte on 600 cases further prove that the effectiveness in reducing blood glucose is closely related to the contents of active plant insulin.
18. How does Insupro Forte reduce the blood glucose level ?
Insupro Forte is a plant molecular protein. It is easier to be absorbed compared to animal insulin. After being absorbed, it will produce a series of physiological effects to reduce blood glucose level.

Oral capsule can be absorbed directly by mucous membrane and supply exogenous insulin.
Activates cells to stimulate the production of more endogenous insulin.
Improves the sensitivity of cells towards insulin, reverses insulin resistance and promotes the synthesis of liver, thus reducing the blood glucose level.
Increases the amount of receptors of red blood cells and enhances the transportation of insulin in order to reduce blood glucose level.

Health benefits derived from Crab Meat !

[Extracted from the page of]

Crab is a popular seafood, which has many varieties, such as blue crabs, Dungeness crabs, king crabs, stone crab and red crab. Each crab species has a different taste.  Blue crabs are small crustaceans that are found along the Atlantic coast. They are mainly valued for their soft shell phase, when they can be eaten along with the shells. Dungeness crabs are large and meaty and are found in large quantities on the Atlantic coast. King crabs are the ones that have most of the meat in their legs, rather than claws. Stone crabs, found in Florida and Texas, are sold fresh, in cooked form and frozen as well. Red crabs, found along the continental shelf are small in size and meaty. Irrespective of the variety, crabs are rich in a range of minerals and vitamins and are healthy for the body on the whole.

Protein 17 gm

Total Calories
Calories From Fat

Fats & Fatty Acids
Total Fat
1.5 gm
Saturated Fat
0.2 gm
Monounsaturated Fat
0.2 gm
Polyunsaturated Fat
0.6 gm

237 mg
235 mg

Nutritional value 
  • Due to being very low in calories and fat, crabs are healthy for heart. Despite of their low calorie content, crabs make for a filling main course dish. A four ounce serving of crab meat contains only 98 calories and under two grams of fat.
  • Crabs are a very rich source of lean protein, which makes them a perfect high protein alternative for athletes, sportsperson and body builders. They are also a good option for diabetics, as they are free of carbohydrates.

  • Crabs are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for heart health and help to lower triglycerides and blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. The Omega-3 fatty acids contained in crabs are also believed to boost the immune system.
  • Eating a seafood rich diet can expose the body to high amounts of mercury. However, mid-Atlantic blue crab contains a very low amount of mercury, which makes it a safer seafood choice. 
  • Crabs are a good source of chromium, which helps in the metabolism of sugar. It helps the body to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Chromium basically works with insulin to regulate the sugar levels of body.
  • Crabs contain selenium, a trace mineral that helps to reduce oxidative damage to the cells and tissues. A diet containing crabs provides enough selenium to the body to keep these systems functioning. 
  • Crab meat is a rich source of vitamins and mineral, especially of Vitamin B 12, one of the vitamins that are critical for healthy nerve function. Also, it is a good source of minerals, such as zinc and copper.