Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Health Benefits of Brewers' Yeast

[ Extracted from the webpage of]

Brewers' yeast has been used traditionally for centuries for the purpose of brewing beer and some winemaking. But although the product has been used for centuries, many are not aware of the remarkable health benefits imparted by brewers' yeast, which have earned it the suitable moniker of 'nature's wonder food',

Many people in the health community or those seeking a healthier diet with an abundance of nutritional element are turning to brewers' yeast as a daily addition. Because it is also low in fat, sodium, calories, and carbohydrates, it is also beneficial for those with diabetes and hypoglycemics.

Brewers' yeast is a natural source of Vitamin B complex and highly concentrated amounts of protein, as well as a wonderful spectrum of other healthy vitamins and minerals.

Brewers' yeast is usually recovered as a by-product of the brewing process, absorbing the chemicals, vitamins and nutrients from the other ingredients utilized in brewing beer, mainly grain, malt and hops. The resulting product, though quite healthy, is usually quite bitter. Many brands of brewers' yeast are labeled as debittered, but this process, which makes the yeast more flavorful, can also serve to remove some of the nutritional content.

A high nucleic acid count, a valuable commodity in regards to cell development, is present in brewers' yeast, as well as ample amounts of folic acid, potassium, thiamin, niacin, chromium (needed for the body to produce insulin), and much more.

The simplest way to add brewers' yeast to your daily diet is to add a tablespoon to fruit juice and drink it, but it can also be added to meals such as meat loaf, salads, casseroles, cereal, soup, and other foods. If possible, add the yeast at the end of the cooking process, or the vitamin B complex will be destroyed.

Consumption of brewers' yeast is also attributed to several health benefits, such as reduced stress, better metabolism and lower cholesterol. It can also help provide restful slumber and ease fatigue.

Brewers yeast can usually be found in health food and nutrition stores in both pure form and debittered, though remember, the debittered yeast will not have all the valuable vitamins and nutrients of pure brewers'
yeast, and will most likely be absent of chromium.


[Further explained in the webpage of]

Brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is a natural ingredient produced from the spent yeast grown during the production of beer. The spent yeast is washed, recovered and dried at a controlled temperature stopping biological activity whilst maintaining its unique nutritional properties.

Brewers yeast contains a natural mixture of high-grade protein, vitamins and minerals and therefore is an excellent cost effective way to enhance the nutritional value of basic foodstuffs.

It is one of the most concentrated natural sources of the B group vitamins, including riboflavin, (Vitamin B1) and thiamin (Vitamin B2) but not B12. Brewers yeast contains a minimum of 40% high-grade protein and therefore the amino acids essential for good health, one of them being lysine.

Brewers yeast also provides a natural source of minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Brewers yeast contains approximately 36% carbohydrate and more specifically oligosaccharides, which are considered to have a prebiotic effect.

It has been use to combat diarrhea and to help with cholesterol reduction.


Historical Uses of Brewer’s Yeast and How it Works:
  • Burn treatment
  • Cholesterol (High)
  • Cholesterol-induced heart disease
  • Diabetes (Adult-onset Type II, Regulation of blood sugar levels)
  • Diarrhea (infectious)
  • Eczema
  • Immune system improvement
  • Increased energy
  • Nervous disorders (because it’s high in B-Vitamins)
  • Reduces wrinkling and helps treat skin challenges
  • Skin detoxifier (topical application)
  • Stress relief (Again because of the high B-Vitamin content)
  • Wound healing agent
Properties of Brewer’s Yeast: Brewer’s yeast is a splendid source of B-complex vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, protein (essential amino acids which make up about 50% of its weight) and several important minerals, in particular; calcium, iron, potassium, selenium and chromium. Brewer’s yeast may change bacterial flora in the large intestine.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Is Chloasma ?

 [Extracted from &]

Chloasma, also commonly referred to as melasma, is a skin condition that occurs primarily on the face. It causes dark brown discoloration, mostly in small patches across the face. The condition is not necessarily dangerous, but it can be treated for cosmetic purposes.

Estrogen and progesterone, two female sex hormones, are thought to be one of the main causes of chloasma. Changes in estrogen and progesterone hormones make a woman more likely to develop the skin condition. These hormone level changes can be a result of pregnancy, oral contraceptives, or hormone replacement therapy for women after menopause. The condition does not occur solely in women, it can affect men as well. When female hormone levels aren’t the culprit of the skin condition, it is thought that excessive skin exposure is the cause.

The main symptom of chloasma is dark brown speckles or patches across the facial skin. It tends to develop most often on the forehead, nose, cheeks, or above the upper lip. When the dark brown areas occur on the face, it is usually symmetrical and appears nearly identical on both sides of the face. The discoloration is not a health concern, but can make a person feel self-conscious about his or her appearance.

There are a variety of chloasma treatment options to reduce or eliminate the dark brown pigmentation on the facial skin. If the condition is the result of pregnancy, it will usually subside without treatment after the woman gives birth. For other mild cases of the skin condition, prescription topical creams that contain kojic acid, azelaic acid, tretinoin, or certain steroids, which may be able to lighten parts of the skin. Chemical peels, a skincare treatment performed in spas or salons that uses the application of chemicals to remove the outer skin cells, may also be used to help reduce the darkened skin patches. Lasers can also be implemented to remove dark skin pigment, but it is a serious and expensive procedure that is typically only recommended if other treatment options have not worked. 

Certain measures can be taken to help prevent chloasma or keep it from worsening or reoccurring. People who know they are at risk for the condition, such as pregnant or menopausal women, women taking birth control pills, or people who live in tropical climates, can attempt to limit their sun exposure. When out in the sun, they can wear lightweight clothing, hats, and use sunscreen with a high sun protection factor.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors for Melasma/Chloasma

*  Melasma is a very common skin disorder. Though it can affect anyone, young women with brownish skin tones are at greatest risk. Chloasma is especially common in women aged 20-40. It is more common in dark skins than in fair skins.

*  Melasma is often associated with the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is especially common in pregnant women, women who are taking oral contraceptives ("the pill"), and women taking hormone replacement therapy during menopause.

*  Sun exposure is also a strong risk factor for melasma. It is particularly common in tropical climates.

*  Melasma develops due to a combination of genetic, hormonal and sun related factors

*  Melasma has been referred to as the mask of pregnancy because it often develops during pregnancy.  Because of melasma’s relation to pregnancy and oral contraceptives, it is thought that estrogen contributes to its development in predisposed persons.

*  Estrogen is not essential to the development of melasma, however, as men may also be affected.
*  A factor that does seem to be essential to the development of melasma is sunlight.

*  Both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) are believed to contribute to the formation of melasma in predisposed persons.

*  It may develop in association with menopause, hormonal imbalance and ovarian disorders.

*  Melasma may also be triggered by a medication called Dilantin (phenytoin).

*  It is thought that female sex hormones causes melanocytes or the pigment-producing cells to produce and deposit excess pigments.

*  Chloasma usually affects women but occasionally is seen in young men who use after-shave lotions, scented soaps, and other toiletries.
*  Chloasma is more pronounced during the summer months as a result of sun exposure. It usually fades a few months after delivery. Repeated pregnancies, however, can intensify the pigmentation.

*  Chloasma also occurs as a side-effect of taking contraceptive pills and injected depot contraceptive preparations. It may also be noticed in apparently healthy, normal, non-pregnant women where it is presumed to be due to some mild and harmless hormonal imbalance.

*  Sun exposure, following the use of deodorant soaps, scented toiletries, and various cosmetics can also produce this mottled pigmentation. This is called a phototoxic reaction and is due to ultraviolet radiation being absorbed by the chemical substance on the skin.

*  Deficiency of Folic Acid during pregnancy can also lead to development of Melasma.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Health Benefit of Watercress

[Extracted from the webpage of and]

Watercress is a leaf vegetable which we can find in our markets and grocery stores, but it grabs our attention quite rarely. Unfortunately, this is one of the most underestimated veggies, which has very high nutritional value. Like his healthy, nutritious and commonly used relatives, broccoli and cabbage, it has numerous health benefits and known as one of the oldest green vegetables used since the times of Egyptian Pharaohs.

Watercress has a wide variety of culinary applications and can be added to soups and salads, used for sandwiches and so on.

Watercress livens up raw salad and it also makes a valuable juice. Watercress juice is a green juice and must not be consumed alone. It also tastes bitter and is much easier to swallow if mixed with carrot, potato, and a little parsley or carrot, spinach, and turnip leaves. For optimal health benefits, eat watercress raw and as fresh as possible.

This herb is very low in calorie and rich in iron, iodine, sulfur, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamins C and A, folic acid and other phytonutrients. It can improve the function of your thyroid gland and can be used for its expectorant and diuretic properties. Researches showed that watercress health benefits include also its anti-cancer powers as this herb has a high content of antioxidants. The specialists say that regular consumption of this herbal remedy is linked to lower risks of lung and breast cancer.

Watercress has very strong antibiotic powers and can be called a natural antibiotic. Remember that in order to enjoy these health benefits of watercress, it is important to consume freshly harvested herb as the majority of the elements can be found in watercress juice. The juice of this plant is also very effective toxin removal remedy, and it is recommended for treatment of such ailments as asthma, cold and bronchitis. For this purpose, watercress juice should be taken in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons a day.

One of the most important health benefits of watercress is the one of preventing various heart problems, as heart disease or coronary artery disease. This property is attributed to a high content of leutin and zeaxanthin, natural carotenoids that prevent arterial plague formation. In addition, these two carotenoids help preserving our vision and preventing the occurrence of such diseases as cataract and macular vision degeneration.

It is hardly possible to mention all watercress health benefits on this only webpage. This herbal remedy can normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels in your blood, slow down aging, improve your mental function and memory. It is very rich in calcium and is useful for our dental health and bone strength. As an excellent source of fiber, watercress can fix the function of your digestive system and regulate bile flow. Please, give it a good thought when you see this miraculous veggie in the market, and do not miss your chance to improve and strengthen your health.

watercress salad

Health Benefits :
  • it contains anticancer properties.
  • it helps protect the eyes because it contains a high level of two carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • it helps to normalize cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • it increases sexual energy and enhances fertility.
  • it can help improved memory, mental function and to retard ageing.
  • it is a powerful cleanser of the body, especially the bloodstream.
  • it can help increase production of breast milk.
  • it is low in calories and high in potassium which is valued for weight loss, as its diuretic action draws excess fluid down and out of the body.
  • it helps improve digestion by regulating the flow of bile.
  • it is valued for clearing and improving the complexion.
  • its chlorophyll-rich leaves are chewed to absorb breath odors.
  • Chewing raw watercress leaves can cure bleeding gums.
  • its leaves are used as a poultice for the relief of enlarged prostate gland. The poultice can also treat swollen feet and sprained ankles.
  • it is a good source of iodine, which is important to the function of the thyroid gland.
  • it is rich calcium which can strengthen the bones and teeth.

Watercress is a spicy, peppery salad green that is often a refreshing alternative to lettuce in salads and a popular addition to sandwiches. High in vitamins, Watercress is also a favorite in soups, stir-fry dishes and as a garnish. Watercress is a member of the mustard family and has small, dark green, rounded leaves. Available year-round, choose crisp, deep-colored sprigs, free of brown spots and yellowed leaves. To store, rinse with cold water and shake dry. Refrigerate Watercress in a plastic bag (or stems down in a glass of water covered with a plastic bag) for up to five days. Remove any tough stems and use only the leaves and tender stems when preparing.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    Types of Heart Beat

    [Extracted from the webpage of]

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Tinnitus and its causes

     [Extracted from the web page of on Tinnitus]

    Tinnitus is a ringing, swishing, or other type of noise that seems to originate in the ear or head. Most of us will experience tinnitus or sounds in the ears at some time or another.

    Tinnitus can be extremely disturbing to people who have it. In many cases it is not a serious problem, but rather a nuisance that may go away. However, some people with tinnitus may require medical or surgical treatment. Twelve million Americans have tinnitus, and one million experience it so severely it interferes with their daily activities.

    Tinnitus can arise in any of the four sections of the hearing system: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear, and the brain. Some tinnitus or "head noise" is normal. A number of techniques and treatments may be of help, depending on the cause.
    • Some of the most common include a sound of crickets or roaring, buzzing, hissing, whistling, and high-pitched ringing.

    • Other types of tinnitus include a clicking or pulsatile tinnitus (the noise accompanies your heartbeat).

    • The most common type of tinnitus is known as subjective tinnitus, meaning that you hear a sound but it cannot be heard by others.

    • A much more uncommon sort is called objective tinnitus, meaning your doctor may sometimes actually hear a sound when he or she is carefully listening for it.

      Tinnitus Causes
    Tinnitus is not a disease in itself but rather a reflection of something else that is going on in the hearing system or brain.

    • Probably the most common cause for tinnitus is hearing loss. As we age, or because of trauma to the ear (through noise, drugs, or chemicals), the portion of the ear that allows us to hear, the cochlea, becomes damaged.

      • Current theories suggest that because the cochlea is no longer sending the normal signals to the brain, the brain becomes confused and essentially develops its own noise to make up for the lack of normal sound signals. This, then is interpreted as a sound, tinnitus.

      • This tinnitus can be made worse by anything that makes our hearing worse, such as ear infection or excess wax in the ear.

      • Tinnitus caused by ear trauma is usually noticed in both ears, because both ears are usually exposed to the same noises, drugs, and other influences
      • Loud noise exposure is a very common cause of tinnitus today, and it often damages hearing as well. Unfortunately, many people are unconcerned about the harmful effects of excessively loud noise from firearms, high intensity music, or other sources.

        Ten million Americans have suffered irreversible noise-induced hearing loss, and 30 million more are exposed to dangerous noise levels each day, according to the NIDCD.
    • Other causes of tinnitus include drugs such as aspirin (if overused), aminoglycoside antibiotics (a powerful form of infection-fighting drug), and quinine.
    • Meniere's disease includes dizziness, tinnitus, and fullness in the ear or hearing loss that can last for hours, but then goes away. This disease is actually caused by a problem in the ear itself. The tinnitus is merely a symptom.
    • A rare cause of subjective tinnitus includes a certain type of brain tumor known as an acoustic neuroma. The tumors grow on the nerve that supplies hearing and can cause tinnitus. This type of tinnitus is usually only noticed in one ear, unlike the more common sort caused by hearing loss usually seen in both ears.
    • Causes of objective tinnitus are usually easier to find.
      • Pulsatile tinnitus is usually related to blood flow, either through normal or abnormal blood vessels near the ear. Causes of pulsatile tinnitus include pregnancy, anemia (lack of blood cells), overactive thyroid, or tumors involving blood vessels near the ear. Pulsatile tinnitus can also be caused by a condition known as benign intracranial hypertension-an increase in the pressure of the fluid surrounding the brain.
      • Clicking types of objective tinnitus can be caused by jaw joint misalignment (TMJ) problems or muscles of the ear or throat "twitching."

        Tinnitus Symptoms

        With tinnitus, you hear a noise that no one around you hears. This noise is usually a buzzing or ringing type sound, but it may be a clicking or rushing sound that goes along with your heartbeat. The sound is sometimes accompanied by hearing loss and dizziness in a syndrome known as Meniere's disease.

        When to Seek Medical Care

        Most newly noticed tinnitus should be evaluated by a physician. Because tinnitus is usually a symptom of something else, if it begins suddenly, see your doctor. This is particularly important if the tinnitus is only heard on one side.

        Although the majority of cases of tinnitus are not caused by any acute problems, certain symptoms need to be evaluated to determine whether or not a more serious medical condition is causing the symptoms.

      • Any time that tinnitus comes on suddenly, particularly in one ear or is associated with hearing loss, seek an immediate evaluation. Sudden hearing loss is often accompanied by tinnitus, and there are medications that may help to restore that hearing. Also certain types of tumors can cause sudden hearing loss and tinnitus that warrant an evaluation.
    • Tinnitus that is pulsatile (in rhythm with your heartbeat) and comes on suddenly should also be checked relatively rapidly. In very rare instances, this sort of tinnitus can develop because of an aneurysm (a bulging of the wall of a blood vessel) near the ear or because of the sudden onset of very high blood pressure.
    • Any time tinnitus is noticed in association with changes in personality, difficulty speaking or walking, or with any other movement problem, you should be evaluated for the possibility of a stroke.

      Medical Treatment

      Treatment for tinnitus depends on the underlying cause of the problem.

    • In the majority of cases, tinnitus is caused by damage to the hearing organ. In these cases, there is normally no need for treatment other than reassurance that the tinnitus is not being caused by another treatable illness.
    • In the very rare instance where the tinnitus is extremely bothersome, there are a number of treatment options.
      • Some of the most helpful include antianxiety or antidepressant medication and sometimes maskers-small devices like hearing aids that help to block out the sound of the tinnitus with "white noise."
      • For people who are bothered by tinnitus only when trying to sleep, the sound of a fan, radio, or white noise machine is usually all that is required to relieve the problem.
      • Most people with tinnitus find that their symptoms are worse when under stress, so relaxation techniques can be helpful.
      • Avoiding caffeine is advised, as it may worsen symptoms.
      • Biofeedback may help or diminish tinnitus in some patients.
      • Avoid aspirin or aspirin products in large quantities
      • Hearing loss worsens the effect of tinnitus, so protection of hearing and avoiding loud noises is very important in preventing worsening of the symptoms.
    • In cases where the tinnitus is caused by one of the other rare problems (such as a tumor or aneurysm), treatment of the tinnitus involves fixing the main issue. Although this does not always resolve the tinnitus, some people note relief of their symptoms. Only a very few cases of tinnitus are caused by identifiable, repairable medical conditions.
      From the Editor Desk

      I have been treating my patients, who are experiencing tinnitus with Acupuncture and when necessary, I will accompany my treatment with 'moxibustion' too. In TCM, we diagnose tinnitus and relate it to the weak or dyfunctions of the kidneys because the meridian of the Kidney/Urinary Bladder is connected to the ears. In most cases, we also include boiled herbal formulas to boost up the functions of the kidneys, added with some 'yeast' supplements to nourish the nerves serving the ears. Often, it is found that patients who are having running/stuffy nose will trigger such problem more rapidly. Such problem will be further aggravated should patients have been taking antibiotics to counter against their common cold, or in the event of any external or internal injuries, the patients might be consuming anti-inflammatory medications.

      Nevertheless, acupuncture will help effectively, in lessening such teething nuisance especially at night when the patients will not be able to sleep. One must seek the help of a good acupuncturist and not only will it resolve the problem, the patients can be made calm, as well as continuing with a better health.

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    How is Heart Failure defined ?

    As been explained in the webpage of, I found the article written by the said Author indeed very informative and I would like to share with all my friends ......