Friday, October 21, 2011

Sabah Snake Grass (Clinacanthus Nutans) - [Update]

This is a follow-up on my earlier article on Sabah Snake Grass at

This grass is now grown in my own backyard, just as a past-time activity and they are not for commercial purpose. Indeed, it's more interesting to see them growing up, from small shoots to grown up plant.

Plucking them for consumption is easy. But it will take quite some time to grow back to a reasonable height again (before the next harvest). Those matured plants shown below, are around 3 months old. 

This plant needs good sunlight and abundance of moisture. They need food too. Organic fertilizer such as 'compost' is still the best choice although it is quite expensive. I also added the residue of fruits (after blending) from time to time, including residue from yellow beans (after making tofu drink) etc. Try not to use inorganic fertilizer such as chicken dung, or goat's dungs, or even processed fetilizers.

Nevertheless, here are some basic steps when planting them :

Harvest the stalks from the mother plant

Cut up each stalk into stems. Always leave their
'nodes' for the young plants to emerge

Plant about 3 - 4 stems in each plastic bag
(if you are planning to reproduce them).
Did you see the young plants emerging from
the nodes ?

After 30 - 45 days of attention

Eventually ..... after 2 - 3 months

Before consumption, always wash them thoroughly
before blending, particularly those bought from
outside sources. This is to avoid sickness due to 

E.Coli bacteria, if inorganic fertilizers have been 
used, since they are eaten raw. Skin of your green
apple(s) have to sliced too, when added.

Drink within 5 minutes after processing (to avoid
loss of fresh nutrients) and for those who has
gastric, or any stomach problem, always drink
it after food.

For those who is scared of coldness, or having a
weak stomach, you may add a few slices of
ginger to be blended together. The later will 
assist to provide a warming effect


Thanks to a generous contributor. I was given this recommended guidelines for end-users to follow :

Stage 1 : 30 leaves daily
Stage 2 : 50 leaves daily
Stage 3 : 100 leaves daily
Stage 4 : 200 leaves daily (100 leaves at each time)
Critical stage : 300 leaves daily (100 leaves at each time)

For Kidney patients

Those not yet dialysis :

120 leaves mix with green apple and cold water, after blend, filter and consume, once daily

Those dialysis once a week :
150 leaves

Those dialysis twice a week :
200 leaves

Those dialysis three times a week :
250 leaves

It is best to consume between 3pm-4pm

Recommended methods of preparation

1) Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
2) Add a quarter of lemon or half a lime (lemon preferred to avoid gastritis)
3) Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put them into the blender
4) Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds and cut into quarter and blend
5) Blend and drink immediately but SLOWLY within 5 minutes

Recommended pointers
1) Since herbal is very “cooling” especially for women, you may add a few slices ginger and blend together.
2) Do not wash SSG unless you are going to consume it. Keep in container that does not retain water.
3) It is recommended to chew a few leaves first to let the brain processes what we are consuming. This helps to avoid bloated stomach if the blended juice are swallowed or gulped quickly. This will also help to increase better absorption as the body can release the proper enzyme.
4) Do not consume 2 days before and after and during chemotherapy or radiology.
5) Do not consume together with other herbs.

Recommended food to avoid
  1. Sugar & sugary products; Dairy Products and Bird's Nest;
  2. Honey; Kembong fish especially Sting Ray;
  3. 7 angled fish; Chicken and Duck meat; Yam;
  4. Glutinous Rice; Margarine and Durians;
  5. Ginseng and other rejuvenating Herbs.
[Dairy products contain mucus that provides a conducive environment for cancer cells to grow]

    Note  :

    There is a supplier now, who claimed she has begun to fill SSG (after grounded into powder form) into capsules for sale, to oversea users. This is a good start, as it will be able to help many suffering patients from all over the World.

    Let's pray that this new found herbs can really help a lot and lots of people.

    View her blog at

    Tuesday, October 18, 2011

    What is so yummy about Eggplant (or Brinjal) ?

    [According to]
    The eggplant is part of the nightshade family in the plant kingdom, a distant cousin to bell pepper, tomato and potato. It is egg-shaped and may be colored a rich black-purple or white, and has a thick skin. Commonly referred to as a vegetable, the eggplant is actually a fruit, and may grow anywhere from two inches to a foot in length. Eggplants are indigenous to Asia and the Amazon Rainforest, as well as other parts of the world.

    Eggplant, of course, is edible and featured in many delicious recipes. It may be fried, grilled, baked, sauteed, and even broiled.

    Common varieties of eggplant range from dark purple to white in color, but all of them provide nutrients that can benefit your heart. Low in calories, eggplant contains potassium and fiber, which contribute to healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A diet rich in vegetables such as eggplant may help you control your weight, which reduces your risk of heart disease.
    Why it is so good ?

    Chlorogenic Acid

    Chlorogenic acid is a plant compound that is known for its high antioxidant activity. Researchers have found chlorogenic acid to be the dominant antioxidant compound in eggplant. This is significant because chlorogenic acid has a great capacity to fight free radicals, and is also able to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Chlorogenic acid is also antimutagenic, which means it can protect cells from mutating into cancer cells; and it is also antiviral.


    Nasunin is an antioxidant compound found in the skin of eggplant. The nasunin in eggplant has antiangiogenic abilities. When something is angiogenic, it stimulates new growth of blood vessels and blood supply. While that sounds like it could be a good thing, when it comes to cancer, it is not. Cancerous cells can gain angiogenesis ability, which means they can develop a means to increase their own blood supply, which can cause a cancerous mass or tumor to grow rather quickly. Nasunin in eggplant has the ability to prevent angiogenesis from occurring. So, do eat the skin.

    Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals

    Eggplant is an excellent source of good-for-heart dietary fiber, which can help protect against colon cancer and keeps the digestive system regular. The vitamins in eggplant consist primarily of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), B vitamins, folate and vitamin C. Eggplant is also rich in minerals, boasting a large quantity of potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous.

    With no fat and low calories, using eggplant in lieu of higher-calorie pasta or rice or as a side dish can help you eat fewer calories while still enjoying satisfying portions. Do note however that sauteed and fried eggplant tend to have a significantly-higher number of calories than grilled, roasted or boiled varieties. Eggplant acts like a sponge and soaks up oil.  Do add grilled eggplant to green salads, sandwiches and stews. It is also nice with curry.

    [Accoring to, they defines .....]

    The plant reaches about 3-4 feet tall in quick time and bears many bright fruits. Each fruit has smooth, glossy skin. Internally, it features off-white color pulp with numerous centrally arranged small, soft seeds. Fruits are generally harvested when they reach maturity but short of full stage ripeness.

    Health benefits of Eggplant

    • Eggplant is very low in calories and fats but rich in soluble fiber content. 100 g provides just 24 calories but contributes about 9% of RDA of fiber.

    • Research studies at the Institute of Biology of São Paulo State University, Brazil showed that eggplant is effective in the treatment of high blood cholesterol.

    • It contains good amounts of many essential B-complex groups of vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (B3). These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish and required for fat, protein and carbohydrates metabolism.

    • It is also good source of minerals like manganese, copper, iron and potassium. Manganese is used as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Potassium is an important intracellular electrolyte helps counter the hypertension effects of sodium.

    • The peel or skin (deep blue/purple varieties) of aubergine has significant amounts of phenolic flavonoid phyto-chemicals called anthocyanins. Scientific studies have shown that these anti-oxidants have potential health effects against cancer, aging, inflammation, and neurological diseases.

    How safe is Fish Foot Spa Therapy ?

    Fish foot spas can spread HIV and Hep C (read this latest article from the website of

    Trendy fish pedicures could spread HIV and hepatitis C, officials warned.

    The Health Protection Agency said risks from the foot-nibbling treatment are "low but could not be completely excluded".

    And it said those with diabetes, psoriasis or with weakened immune systems are especially vulnerable and should never undergo the pampering craze.

    Infections and bacteria may be passed on by the tiny garra rufa fish themselves or through water used by a previous client and left unchanged.

    Blood-borne viruses like HIV and hepatitis could be transmitted if infected clients bleed in spa water that is used again.

    A report added that the risk is "extremely low, however, this cannot be completely excluded".

    An agency spokesman said last night : "We have issued this guidance because there are a growing number of these spas.

    "When the correct hygiene procedures are followed, the risk of infection is very low.

    "However, there is still a risk of transmission of a number of infections — this does include viruses like HIV and hepatitis."

    Some parts of the US and Canada have banned fish pedicures.

    Conventional sterilisation of equipment cannot take place because it would harm the fish.

    In its report after a six-month review, the agency said salons must follow "strict standards of cleanliness", and ensure water is changed after each client.

    They should also check customers for health conditions making them vulnerable to infection, and for cuts and grazes.

    Hundreds of high street beauty salons, malls, hairdressers and fashion shops offer the treat.

    Last night Christina Wright, boss of fish spa chain Appyfeet, accused officials of "scare-mongering". She added: "We worked for 18 months with the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities making sure our spas were of the highest standard."

    A spokeswoman for HIV charity the Terrence Higgins Trust said: "The risk of picking up infections is minimal but people must be careful where they choose to go." -

    Saturday, October 1, 2011

    Health problem known as PICA

    Accordingly to an explanation by Wikipedia ........... Pica is a medical disorder, characterized by an appetite for substances largely non-nutritive (e.g., metal, clay, coal, sand, dirt, soil, feces, chalk, pens and pencils, paper, batteries, spoons, toothbrushes, soap, mucus, latex gloves, ash, gum, lip balm, tacks and other office supplies, etc.)

    The name of the condition originates from the Latin word for magpie, a bird that is reputed to eat almost anything. Pica is seen in all ages, particularly in pregnant women, small children, and those with developmental disabilities.

    Pica is more common in women and children. Pica in children (usually only in young children, or children with autism, or another mental or developmental disorder) may be dangerous. Children eating painted plaster containing lead may suffer brain damage from lead poisoning. There is a similar risk from eating dirt near roads that existed prior to the phaseout of tetra-ethyl lead in petrol (in some countries), or prior to the cessation of the use of contaminated oil (either used, or containing toxic PCBs, or dioxin) to settle dust. In addition to poisoning, there is also a much greater risk of gastro-intestinal obstruction, or tearing in the stomach. Another risk of dirt-eating is the possible ingestion of animal feces and accompanying parasites. Pica can also be found in animals and is most commonly found in dogs.


    Research that has been done on the causes of pica suggests that such disorder is a specific appetite caused by mineral deficiency in many cases, such as iron deficiency, which sometimes is a result of celiac disease, or hookworm infection. Often the substance eaten by someone with pica contains the mineral in which that individual is deficient. More recently, cases of pica have been tied to the obsessive–compulsive spectrum, and there is a move to consider OCD in the etiology of pica; however, pica is currently recognized as a mental disorder by the widely used Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Sensory, physiological, cultural and psychosocial perspectives have also been used by some to explain the causation of pica.
    It has been proposed that mental-health conditions, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia, can sometimes cause pica. It has been suggested that stress associated with traumatic events is linked to pica disorder. Some of the traumatic events common in individuals with pica include maternal deprivation, parental separation or neglect, child abuse, disorganized family structure and poor parent-child interaction.

    Unlike in humans, pica in dogs, or cats may be a sign of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, especially when it involves eating substances such as tile grout, concrete dust and sand.


    Treatment for pica is based on the category of patient (e.g. child, developmentally disabled, pregnant or psychotic) and may emphasize psychosocial, environmental and family-guidance approaches. An initial approach often involves screening for and, if necessary, treating any mineral deficiencies or other comorbid conditions. For pica that appears to be of psychotic etiology, therapy and medication such as SSRIs have been used successfully. However previous reports have cautioned against the use of medication until all non-psychotic etiologies have been ruled out.
    Some medications may be helpful in reducing the abnormal eating behaviour if pica occurs in the course of a developmental disorder such as mental retardation or pervasive developmental disorder . These medications enhance dopaminergic functioning, which is believed to be associated with the occurrence of pica. Usually after pregnant women give birth pica subsides.
    Zinc was successful at treating pica in a study of Chinese preschool children. Behaviour-based treatment options can be useful for developmentally disabled and mentally retarded individuals with pica. These may involve associating negative consequences with eating non-food items or good consequences with normal behaviour and may be contingent on pica being attempted or initiated regardless of a pica attempt. A recent study classified nine such classes of behavioural intervention :
    • Presentation of attention, food or toys, not contingent on pica being attempted
    • Differential reinforcement, with positive reinforcement if pica is not attempted and consequences if pica is attempted
    • Discrimination training between edible and inedible items, with negative consequences if pica is attempted
    • Visual screening, with eyes covered for a short time after pica is attempted
    • Aversive presentation, contingent on pica being attempted :
      • oral taste (e.g. lemon)
      • smell sensation (e.g. ammonia)
      • physical sensation (e.g. water mist in face)
      • Physical restraint :
        • self-protection devices that prohibit placement of objects in the mouth
        • brief restraint contingent on pica being attempted
        • Time-out contingent on pica being attempted
        • Overcorrection, with attempted pica resulting in required washing of self, disposal of nonedible objects and chore-based punishment
        • Negative practice (non-edible object held against patient's mouth without allowing ingestion)