Thursday, November 15, 2007

Alkaline Foods vs Acidic Foods

Below information is extracted from "Back To The House Of Health" by Shelley Redford Young

All food digested in our bodies metabolizes, or burns, down to an ash residue. This ash residue can be neutral, acidic, or alkaline, depending mostly on the mineral content of the original food.
Acid Forming Foods

Fortunately for us, it is easy to categorize which foods leave which kind of ash. In general, animal foods - meat, eggs, dairy - processed and refined foods, yeast products, fermented foods, grains, artificial sweeteners, fruit, and sugars are acidifying, as are alcohol, coffee, chocolate, black tea, and sodas.

Alkaline Forming Foods

Vegetables, on the other hand, are alkalizing. That includes a few that are technically fruits: avocado, tomato, and bell peppers. A few non sweet citrus fruits are also basic in the body, as are sprouted seeds, nuts, and grains. Grains are acidifying, though a few (millet, buckwheat, and spelt) are only very mildly so. Raw foods are more alkalizing, while cooked food is more acidifying.

To Maintain pH Balance

To maintain a balanced pH in your blood and tissues, your diet should consist of at least 70 to 80 percent basic foods - that is, no more than 20 to 30 percent acidifying foods (and at least half of that 70 to 80 percent should be raw) The more alkaline your diet, the more rapid your improvement will be. Unlike the familiar “food pyramid,” which has an overall acidic effect, this program restores pH balance.

Food Charts

These food “ash” pH charts provide some insight into which foods are alkaline and which are acid. They have been broken down into three categories: foods that you can eat freely, foods that you can eat sparingly, and foods best to avoid. These charts come in handy when making food choices. And remember, some foods are listed on the “Foods You Should Avoid” chart because they contain yeast - the other thing we are trying to avoid.

Each food is assigned a number which represents it’s approximate relative potential of acidity (-) or alkalinity (+) present in one ounce of food. The higher the number, the better it is for you to eat.

Alkaline Foods you can eat freely

Brussels Sprouts +0.5
Broccoli, Peas, Ripe +0.5
Asparagus +1.3
Comfrey +1.5
Green Cabbage, March Harvest +2.0
Lettuce +2.2
Onion +3.0
Cauliflower +3.1
White Cabbage +3.3
Green Cabbage December Harvest +4.0
Savoy Cabbage +4.5
Lamb's Lettuce +4.8
Peas, Fresh +5.1
Zucchini +5.7
Red Cabbage +6.3
Rhubarb Stalks +6.3
Leeks (Bulbs) +7.2
Watercress +7.7
Spinach, March Harvest +8.0
Chives +8.3
French Cut Green Beans +11.2
Sorrel +11.5
Spinach (Other Than March) +13.1
Garlic +13.2
Celery +13.3
Cabbage Lettuce, Fresh +14.1
Endive, Fresh +14.5
Cayenne Pepper +18.8
Straw Grass +21.4
Shave Grass +21.7
Dog Grass +22.6
Dandelion +22.7
Kamut Grass +27.6
Barley Grass +28.1
Soy Sprouts +29.5
Sprouted Radish Seeds +28.4
Sprouted Chia Seeds +28.5
Alfalfa Grass +29.3
Cucumber, Fresh +31.5
Wheat Grass +33.8

Root Vegetables
White Raddish (Spring) +3.1
Rutabaga +3.1
Kohlrabi +5.1
Horseradish +6.8
Turnip +8.0
Carrot +9.5
Beet +11.3
Red Radish +16.7
Summer Black Radish +39.4

Limes +8.2
Fresh Lemon +9.9
Tomato +13.6
Avocado (Protein) +15.6

Non-Stored Organic Grains And Legumes
Buckwheat Groats +0.5
Spelt +0.5
Lentils +0.6
Soy Flour +2.5
Tofu +3.2
Lima Beans +12.0
Soybeans, Fresh +12.0
White Beans (Navy Beans) +12.1
Granulated Soy (Cooked Ground Soy Beans) +12.8
Soy Nuts (soaked Soy Beans, Then Air Dried) +26.5
Soy Lecithin (Pure) +38.0

Brazil Nuts +0.5
Almonds +3.6

Sesame Seeds +0.5
Cumin Seeds +1.1
Fennel Seeds +1.3
Flax Seeds +1.3
Caraway Seeds +2.3
Sunflower Seeds +5.4
Pumpkin Seeds +5.6
Wheat Kernel +11.4

Fats (Fresh, Cold-Pressed Oils)
Olive Oil +1.0
Borage Oil +3.2
Flax Seed Oil +3.5
Evening Primrose Oil +4.1
Marine Lipids +4.7

Foods you should eat sparingly

Fresh Water Fish -11.8

(In Season, For Cleansing Only
Or With Moderation)
Rose Hips -15.5
Pineapple -12.6
Mandarin Orange -11.5
Bananna, Ripe -10.1
Pear -9.9
Peach -9.7
Apricot -9.5
Papaya -9.4
Orange -9.2
Mango -8.7
Tangerine -8.5
Currant -8.2
Gooseberry, Ripe -7.7
Grape, Ripe -7.6
Cranberry -7.0
Black Currant -6.1
Strawberry -5.4
Blueberry -5.3
Rasberry -5.1
Yellow Plum -4.9
Italian Plum -4.9
Date -4.7
Cherry, Sweet -3.6

Foods you should eat sparingly
Cantaloupe -2.5
Red Currant -2.4
Fig Juice Powder -2.4
Grapefruit -1.7
Watermelon -1.0
Coconut, Fresh +0.5
Cherry, Sour +3.5
Bananna, Unripe +4.8

Non-Stored Grains
Brown Rice -12.5
Wheat -10.1

Walnuts -8.0
Macadamia Nuts -3.2
Hazelnuts -2.0

Sunflower Oil -6.7
Coconut Milk -1.5

Acidic Foods You Should Avoid

Root Vegetables
Stored Potatoes +2.0

Meat, Poultry, And Fish
Pork -38.0
Veal -35.0
Beef -34.5
Ocean Fish -20.0
Chicken (to -22) -18.0
Eggs (to -22)
Oysters -5.0
Liver -3.0
Organ Meats -3.0

Milk And Milk Products
Hard Cheese -18.1
Quark -17.3
Cream -3.9
Homogenized Milk -1.0
Buttermilk +1.3

Bread, Biscuits (Stored Grains/Risen Dough)
White Bread -10.0 White Biscuit -6.5
Whole-Meal Bread -6.5
Whole-Grain Bread -4.5
Rye Bread -2.5

Pistachios -16.6
Peanuts -12.8
Cashews -9.3

Margarine -7.5
Corn Oil -6.5
Butter -3.9

Artificial Sweetners -26.5
Chocolate -24.6
White Sugar -17.6
Beet Sugar -15.1
Molasses -14.6
Dr. Bronner's Barley
Malt Sweetner -9.8
Dried Sugar Cane Juice -18.0
(Sucanat) -9.6
Barley Malt Syrup -9.3
Fructose -9.5
Milk Sugar -9.4
Turbinado Sugar -9.5 Brown Rice Syrup 8.7 Honey -7.6

Ketchup -12.4
Mayonaise -12.5
Mustard -19.2
Soy Sauce -36.2
Vinegar -39.4

Liquor -38.7
Wine -16.4
Beer -26.8
Coffee -25.1
Fruit Juice, Packaged, Natural -8.7
Fruit Juice Sweetened With White Sugar -33.6
Tea (Black) -27.1

10 Reasons To Avoid Acidosis

The Seed-Bed To Many Degenerative Diseases

This information is for reference and for educational purposes only and not as medical advice. If you do have or suspect you have any disease or ailments of any kind, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Acidosis is the result of Extreme Low pH Levels.It is an accumulation of more acid than the body can effectively process and is generally seen by medical science as a part of the pathology of several different diseases including impaired liver function. It is the forerunner of most, if not all, chronic degenerative diseases including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. These diseases are rampant enough to be considered epidemic in our country.

An Acid pH Is the Seed-Bed To Many Degenerative Diseases

* Cardiovascular Disease such as Arteriosclerosis, Heart Attacks, Stroke,
* High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
* All Forms of Cancer
* Diabetes, Insulin Sensitivity, Obesity
* Neurological Diseases, MS, MD, ALS and Parkinson's
* Liver & Kidney Disease
* Senility, Dementia, Alzheimer's Immune Deficiencies
* Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis & Tooth Loss
* Hormonal Imbalance
* Premature Aging, Male Prostate Problems

1. Will cause for Cancerous cells to grow well in acidic mediums. Inhibits Cellular Regeneration & DNA-RNA Synthesis For DNA-RNA synthesis and healthy cell proliferation to occur, cell pH must not be acidic, therefore an acid pH actually accelerates and increases the possibility of cellular mutations (Cancer).


Let me tell you about the study where a tumor was cut in half. Half of the tumor was placed in an acid solution and it doubled its size within a few hours. Then the other half of the tumor was placed in an alkaline solution and it died within a few hours. Do you want to maintain an acid or alkaline environment in your body?

2.Corrodes Arteries, Veins and Heart Tissues :
Like acid eating into marble, acidosis erodes and eats into cell wall membranes of the heart, arteries and veins, weakening cardiovascular structures and inter connective tissues.

3.Accelerates Free-Radical Damage and Premature Aging :
Acidosis causes partial lipid breakdown and destructive oxidative cascades. This accelerates Free Radical Damage of cell walls and intracellular membrane structures, which then unravel, killing cells in the process. Acidosis is thus thought to be the first step toward premature aging, accelerating oxidative cascades of cell wall destruction, creating wrinkling, age spots, dysfunctional hormonal systems, interfering with eyesight, memory, and a host of other age-related phenomena.

4. Causes Weight Gain, Diabetes and Obesity :
An acid pH has considerable influence over the majority of weight problems, including Diabetes and Obesity. It seems that a habitually acid pH can directly cause immediate weight gain. Here's what happens when a system is too acid. A condition known as Insulin Sensitivity or Syndrome X results, which forces too much insulin to be produced, and the body is flooded with insulin so that it won't waste any calories, it diligently converts every calorie it can into fat. As long as nutritional stores are maintained, a healthy, slightly alkaline pH allows fat to burn normally for energy, rather than being hoarded under the mistaken biochemical belief of an impending famine.

With increased pressure to produce insulin under the worst conditions, beta cells lose phase with one another, cellular communication is thwarted and the Immune System begins to over-respond. Stress within the cells increases, making it difficult for them to perform adequately for survival. In a very real sense, they simply burn out! Acidosis is thus thought an important yet often underestimated precursor to Diabetes Mellitus. Interestingly, before the advent of synthetic insulin, diabetes was treated historically by buffering the system with base or alkalinecausing powders.

5. Causes Cholesterol Plaque to Form LDL :
Cholesterol is laid down at an accelerated rate within an acid chemical environment of the cardiovascular system, inappropriately lining the vascular network, and clogging up the works! The amount of cholesterol in the diet has not been found to be a major factor in cholesterol plaque formation. Rather, pH status appears to be the factor more directly involved, binding cholesterol with heavy metals and other cellular debris.

6. Disrupts Blood Pressure :
With acidosis, (pH<7.20) arteries become dilated.Yet, severe lowering of blood pH also causes persistent venous vasoconstriction (a disease in the caliber of blood vessels). When this happens, peripheral blood is shifted more centrally: the more acidic the patient, the greater the fractional redistribution of blood to the central vessels. This central redistribution of blood adds to the heart's workload when its contractibility is compromised.

7. Disrupts Critical Lipid and Fatty Acid Metabolism :
Acidosis disrupts general lipid and fatty acid metabolism within the body. Fatty acids are intimately involved in nerve and brain function. When fatty acid metabolism is disturbed, neurological problems may arise including Multiple Sclerosis, Macular Degeneration and others, as well as problems with hormonal balance within the endocrine system.

8. Inhibits Metabolism of Stored Energy Reserves :
An acid pH inhibits efficient cellular and body metabolism. Acidosis causes chemical ionic disturbances, interfering with cellular communications and functions. Acidosis reduces Ca (calcium) binding of plasma proteins, reducing the effectiveness of this intracellular signal. Acidosis also leads to a disease of calcium cations (positive Ca) entry through positive Ca channels, resulting in reduction of cardiac contractibility, or the ability of the heart to pump efficiently and rhythmically.

9. Inhibits Oxygen Getting to the Tissue :
Acidosis or an acid pH decreases the amount of oxygen that can be delivered to cells, making normally healthy cells unhealthy so eventually they die.

10.Inhibits Life Giving Electrolyte Activity :
Life-essential functions, like electrolyte Potassium (K plus) and Sodium (Na plus) channels, are inactivated by acidosis.This has far reaching effects cardiovascular, since without sufficient electrolyte management, heart attacks are likely to occur. Without appropriate electrolyte management, our heart literally stops beating.Inhibition of electrolyte activity also affects the way we feel and behave, and is intimately involved in the energy levels we experience, because of the nature of the Na-K Pump and cellular metabolism.

What You Need To Do Now !

The solution ! Increase your pH To Have Better Health & Longevity

pH : What does it mean?
pH is the abbreviation for potential Hydrogen.The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. Soda drink has a pH reading of 2.0

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