Saturday, September 29, 2012

什么是奇亚籽? [Chia Seeds]

For the benefit of Chinese readers, this is
an extract from the website of The Chia Co.

Anyone from Malaysia, who wishes to purchase
and try this super rich food supplement,
you can reach me through my email.

The said item costs RM 150 per bottle (01 Kg),
excluding cost of delivery.


物性营养 :
  • Omega-3 和 Omega-6 脂肪酸
  • 膳食纤维
  • 蛋白质
  • 抗氧化物
  • 必需的维他命和矿物质
從播種到生長成為鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色植物,開出像薰衣草一樣的長形花朵。 奇亞籽花也是紫色的間或有少量白色的花。這些花朵發育成種子莢,結出奇亞籽。

奇亞籽(chia seed)起源於墨西哥南部和瓜地馬拉,用於人類飲食的歷史可以追溯到西元前3500年,它曾是阿茲特克人和瑪雅人的主食之一,並廣泛用於他們的醫藥、美容、藝術等其他方面。



奇亚籽可以持续地向身体释放能量。运动员食用奇亚籽来提高耐力和帮助关节灵活性和肌 肉恢复。由于含有丰富的维生素B,可以帮助学生提高学习和记忆能力。奇亚籽含有的植 物性Omega- 3和 Omega-6成分是最佳比例,有助胎儿脑部和眼部的发育健康,DHA 和Omega- 3是世界卫生组织规定的胎儿必须的营养。

奇亚含有 37% 的天然纤维,80% 是不溶性的,20% 是可溶的。奇亚籽是人类Omega-3 脂肪酸,抗氧化剂,和膳食纤维的自然植物来源,是所有植物中Omega-3 含量最高的; 蛋白质,脂质,膳食纤维和能量明显高于其他植物,可以起到预防肠癌、乳腺癌,肺癌等疾病,改善消化系统、保护您的健康。


奇亚籽含有多达20%的植物性Omega-3 ALA,这是一种健康身体不可或缺,人体自身无法制造,需要通过饮食进行补充的脂肪酸。奇亚籽中所含的Omega-3ALA对心脏健康尤其重要,所以我们 要将它加入日常饮食中。研究显示 Omega-3 ALA 可以帮助降低胆固醇,维护血管功能和减少心血管疾病的风险,保护心脏,防止血栓和动脉硬化。

食用方法 :
奇亞籽有美味的淡果仁味道,可以很容易地直接食用,或添加到日常飲食中來改善健康。可以加入到穀類, 餅乾, 飲料和優酪乳這些人們( 兒童, 成人和年長者日常食用的食品中),也可以把奇亞籽撒在沙拉上;添加到湯裡;攪拌進各種飲料裡;烤進麵包、蛋糕或曲奇裡;或加入麥片中食用。

奇亞籽現在已經是美國,澳大利亞和新西蘭的主流食品。在北美, 澳大利亞 南美,和亞洲, 在過去12個月內新開發了將近 652種新的使用奇亞籽的產品。



儲存方法 :
奇亞籽可以在室溫下存儲數年不變質. 奇亞籽的天然抗氧化劑可以保證它自身的穩定性。


每天早中晚各一次,每次5克,可直接食用或加入食物中一起食用,食用后多喝水。奇亚籽遇水会膨胀,形成的粘膜可以包裹食物,缓慢转化碳水化合物为糖 分,再缓慢将糖分转化成能量,从而可以控制血糖高低,恢复胰岛功能,是糖尿病人的最有效天然食物解决方案。或遵医嘱,增加用量。


每天早中晚各一次,每次5克到10克,可直接食用或加入食物中一起食用,奇亚籽含有的植物性 Omega-3 可以保护心脏。


每天早中晚各一次,每次5克到10克,可直接食用或加入食物中一起食用。奇亚籽能提供足够的能量帮助孕妇顺产,奇亚籽中所含的Omega-3ALA 对心脏健康尤其重要.  Omega 3 ALA在体内转化成Omega 3 EPA DHA。Omega 3 EPA DHA已被证明为健康大脑功能的好处。

奇亞公司對每一批產品的樣品所做的檢測,以保證 :


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cancer Symptoms which most people ignored

It is just human nature why most people simply ignores the importance in going for regular check-ups to ensure that their health conditions are in the right order. What do they fear ......... don't they ever give a thought how their lives could be saved if their problem(s) is/are detected earlier.

I need not have to elaborate on such reminders anymore, due I will be too willing to tell any of them, that it was due to their own negligience and faults, should they tell me that they are facing a late stage cancer striken sickness.

Sometimes, it is not a good idea to just rely on tests alone to protect us from cancer, or related problems, although annual check-ups and tests such as colonoscopies and PSA readings (one type of cancer-marker) are important.
Often, it is also important to listen to your own body and notice anything that’s different, odd, or unexplainable. Don't wait. Go and find it out. But, then again, how often we hear friends commenting that they will go when they find 'time' to examine it out. Is this an excuse ? Maybe, its due to fear. 

(Have you ever listen to those close to you, such as a wife or partner, because others sometimes notice things we’re unaware of, or don’t want to admit.) Why ?
Is it because you don’t want to join the ranks of being a cancer patient ? Or rather, you prefer to realize too late that symptoms they’d noticed for a long time (or you have noticed it for a long time ago) could have sounded the alarm earlier, when cancer was easier to cure.

Anyway, to cut matter short, I have listed a few symptoms (see below) which I have came across and everyone should be aware and be attentive about them :
1. Upset stomach, or stomachache
This is a common first-time sign which most colon cancer patients remember
experiencing when they looked back is their unexplained stomach aches.

Those with pancreatic cancer will describe a dull ache that feels like it’s pressing inward. Many liver cancer patients too, say they went in complaining of stomach
cramps and upset stomachs so frequently that their doctors often thought they had ulcers. Liver cancer patients and those with leukemia will experience abdominal pain resulting from an enlarged spleen, which may feel like an ache on the lower left side.

If you have a stomachache that you can’t attribute to a digestive problem, or that doesn’t go away, ask your doctor to carry out an ultrasound. Finding a liver or pancreatic tumor early can make all the difference in treatment.
2. Chronic “acid stomach”, or feeling full after a small meal
The most common early sign of stomach cancer, is pain in the upper, or middle abdomen that feels like gas, or heartburn. It may be aggravated by eating, so that you feel full when you haven’t actually eaten much. What’s particularly confusing is that the pain can be relieved by antacids, confirming your conclusion that it was caused by acid in the  stomach, when it’s more than that.

An unexplained pain, or ache in lower right side can be the first sign of liver cancer, known as one of the 'silent killers'. Feeling full after a small meal is a common sign of liver cancer as well. If you have frequent bouts of acid stomach, an unexplained abdominal ache, or a full feeling after meals even when you’re eating less than normal, call your doctor.
3. Unexplained weight loss
If you notice the pounds coming off and you haven’t made changes to your diet, or exercise regime, it’s important to find out why. Unexplained weight loss can be an early sign of colon and other digestive cancers. It can also be a sign of cancer that’s spread to the liver, affecting your appetite and the ability of your body to rid
itself of waste.
4. Jaundice

Pancreatic cancer, another one of the 'silent killers', is often discovered when someone notices jaundice and asks the doctor to do a battery of tests. Jaundice is most commonly thought of as a yellowing of the skin, or whites of the eyes, but darker-than- normal urine that’s not the result of dehydration is also a sign. Clay-colored stools are another little-known sign of jaundice. Oddly, jaundice can
also cause itching, because the bile salts in the bloodstream cause the skin to itch.

Some people with pancreatic cancer say they noticed the itching before they noticed the jaundice itself.
5. Wheezing, or shortness of breath
One of the first signs lung cancer patients remember noticing when they look back is the inability to catch their breath. I couldn’t even walk to my car without wheezing. I thought I had asthma, but how come I didn’t have it before ?  These was how one man described it. Shortness of breath, chest pain, or spitting blood are also signs of testicular cancer that’s spread to the lungs.
6. Chronic cough, or chest pain

Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung tumors, can  cause symptoms that mimic a bad cough, or bronchitis. One way to tell the difference :

The problems persist, or go away and come back again in a repeating cycle. Some lung cancer patients report chest pain that extends up into the shoulder or down the arm.
7. Frequent fevers, or infections

These can be signs of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, which crowd out healthy white cells, sapping the body’s infection-fighting capabilities. Doctors sometimes catch leukemia in older adults only after the patient has been in a number of times complaining of fever, aches, and flu-like symptoms over an extended period of time.
8. Difficulty swallowing

Most commonly associated with esophageal or throat cancer, having trouble swallowing is sometimes one of the first signs of lung cancer too. Men diagnosed with esophageal cancer look back and remember a feeling of pressure and soreness when swallowing that didn’t go away the way a cold, or flu would have. Consult your doctor also if you have a frequent feeling of needing to clear your throat, or that food is stuck in your chest. Either of these, can signal a narrowing of the esophagus that could mean the presence of a tumor.
9. Chronic heartburn

If you just ate half a pizza, heartburn is expected. But if you have frequent episodes of heartburn, or a constant low-level feeling of pain in the chest after eating, call your doctor and ask to be screened for esophageal cancer.

Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) — a condition in which stomach acid rises into the esophagus, causing heartburn and an acidic taste in the throat can trigger a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which can be a precursor of esophageal cancer.
10. Swelling of facial features

Some patients with lung cancer report that they noticed puffiness, swelling, or redness in the face. The explanation for this is that small cell lung tumors commonly block blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from the head and face.
11. Swollen lymph nodes, or lumps on the neck, underarm, or groin

Enlarged lymph nodes indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. For example, a lump, or an enlarged lymph in the neck, or underarm is sometimes a sign of thyroid, head, or throat cancer.  A painless lump on the neck, underarm, or groin can be an early sign of leukemia.
12. Excessive bruising, or bleeding that doesn’t stop

This symptom usually suggests something abnormal happening with the platelets and red blood cells, which can be a sign of leukemia. One man with leukemia noticed that his gums bled when he brushed his teeth; another described bruising in strange places, such as on his fingers and hands.

 The explanation :

Over time, leukemia cells crowd out red blood cells and platelets, impairing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and clot.
13. Weakness and fatigue

I had to stop halfway across the yard and sit down when I was mowing the lawn, said one man when describing the fatigue that led to his discovery of pancreatic cancer. Generalized fatigue and weakness is a symptom of so many different kinds of cancer (and other ills) that you’ll need to look at it in combination with other symptoms.

But any time, you feel exhausted without explanation and it doesn’t  respond to getting more sleep, talk to your doctor.
14. Rectal bleeding, or blood in stool

I thought it was hemorrhoids is one of the most common statements doctors hear when diagnosing colorectal cancer. Blood in the toilet alone is reason to call your doctor and schedule a colonoscopy.

Another sign of blood in the stool many people miss is stools that are darker in color.
15. Bowel problems

Constipation, diarrhea, and changes in stools can all be signs of cancer.

As with many other cancer symptoms, the way to tell if this is cause for concern is if it goes on for more than a few days without a clear cause, such as flu, or food poisoning.

People diagnosed with colon cancer say they noticed more frequent stools, as well as a feeling that their bowels were not emptied completely.

One of the early signs of pancreatic cancer is fatty stools, which can be recognized as frequent, large stools that are paler than normal and smelly. This is a sign that your body’s not absorbing your food normally, and it should be brought to your doctor’s attention.

16. Difficulty urinating, or changes in flow

Hands-down, the most common early sign of prostate cancer is a feeling of not being able to start peeing once you’re set to go. Many men also report having a hard time stopping the flow of urine, a flow that starts and stops, or a stream that’s weaker than normal. Any of these symptoms is reason to call your doctor for an exam and a screening test for prostate-specific antigen.
17. Pain, or burning during urination

This symptom can also indicate a urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted disease, of course, but in any case it warrants an immediate trip to the doctor. This symptom is often combined with the feeling that you need to go more often, particularly at night. These same symptoms can also indicate inflammation, or infection in the prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, the name for what happens when the prostate grows bigger and blocks the flow of urine. However,
you need to get checked out to tell the difference.
18. Blood in urine, or semen

Men are often warned about blood in the urine, but they may not realize that blood in semen is also a danger sign for prostate cancer. Blood in the urine or semen isn’t always visible as blood; urine may just be a pink, dark red, or smoky brown color, while blood in the semen may just look like a pinkish streak.
19. Erection problems

As prostate cancer progresses, another very common sign is difficulty getting, or sustaining an erection. This can be a difficult subject to talk about, but it’s important to bring it to your doctor’s attention. It could be a sign of sexual dysfunction with another cause, of course, but it’s a reason to have an exam and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.

. Pain, aching, or heaviness in the groin, hips, thighs, or abdomen

One sign of prostate cancer is frequent pain in the hips, upper thighs, or the lowest part of the back. Men with testicular cancer report noticing a heavy, aching feeling low in the belly or abdomen, or in the scrotum or testicles themselves. They sometimes describe it as a feeling of downward pulling, or as a generalized ache throughout the groin area.

Prostate cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes often makes itself known as discomfort in the pelvis or swelling in the legs.
21. Testicular swelling, or lump

The lumps that indicate testicular cancer are nearly always painless. It’s also common for a testicle to be enlarged, or swollen, but lacking any specific lump that you can see, or feel.

Some men report feeling discomfort from the enlargement, but not an outright pain.
22. Unexplained back pain

Back pain can mean all sorts of things, of course most often pulled muscles, or disc problems. But unexplained, persistent back pain can be an early sign of cancer as well, so get it checked out.

Pain in the lower back and hips can be a sign of prostate cancer, while pain in the upper back can signal lung cancer.  A pain in the upper abdomen and back is one of the few early signs of pancreatic cancer.
23. Scaly, or painful nipple, or chest, nipple discharge

Men do get breast cancer; they also get a condition called gynecomastia, which is a benign lump in the breast area. Breast cancer is usually detected as a lump, but if it’s spreading inward it can also cause chest pain.

Other signs of breast cancer include patches of red, scaly, or dimpled skin, or changes to the nipple such as turning inward, or leaking fluid.

Bring any lump, swelling, or skin, or nipple problem, or any chest pain, to your doctor's attention.
24. A sore, or skin lump that doesn’t heal, becomes crusty, or bleeds easily
Most of us know how to watch moles for changes that might indicate skin cancer.  But other signs, such as small waxy lumps or dry scaly patches, are easier to miss.

Familiarize yourself with the different types of skin cancer —melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma — and be vigilant about checking skin all over the body for odd-looking growths or spots.
25. Changes in nails

Unexplained changes to the fingernails can be a sign of several types of cancer. A brown, or black streak, or dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer.

A newly discovered “clubbing,” which means enlargement of the ends of the fingers, with nails that curve down over the tips, can be a sign of lung cancer.

Pale, or white nails can be an indication that your liver is not functioning properly, sometimes a sign of liver cancer.


The above symptoms and signs are the commonly ignored. If anyone have something new to share with all readers, please do not hesitate to write to me, so that I could update more, for the benefit of saving more of our stubborn-headed friends, or even readers too.

Prevention is Better than Cure !!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Wooden Fish in The Temple

This is an important set of so-called praying instrument, used by the monks when chanting their Sutras. It is found in all temples and through times, many do not know what this item is called, neither many do really knew the purpose it serves.................

A wooden fish (木鱼) sometimes known as a Chinese block, is a wooden percussion instrument. The wooden fish is used by monks and laity in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. It is often used during rituals usually involving the recitation of sutras, mantras, or other Buddhist texts. The wooden fish is mainly used by Buddhist disciples in China, Japan, Korea, and other East Asian countries, where the practice of Mahayana, such as the ceremonious reciting of sutras, is prevalent.

Many legends describe the origin of the wooden fish - most take place in China. One says that a monk went to India to acquire sutras. On his way to India, he found the way blocked by a wide, flooding river. There appeared neither bridge nor boat.

Suddenly, a big fish swam up. It offered to carry the monk across the river. The fish told the monk that it wanted to atone for a crime committed when it was a human. The fish made a simple request, that on the monk's way to obtain sutras, he will ask the Buddha to guide the fish on a method to attain Bodhisattvahood.

The monk agreed to the fish's request and continued his quest for seventeen years. After getting the scriptures, he returned to China via the river, which was flooding again. As the monk worried about how to cross, the fish came back to help. It asked if the monk had made the request to the Buddha. To the monk's dismay, he had forgotten. The fish became furious and splashed the monk, washing him into the river. A passing fisherman saved him from drowning, but unfortunately the sutras had been ruined by the water.

The monk went home full of anger. Filled with anger at the fish, he made a wooden effigy of a fish head. When he recalled his adversity, he beat the fish head with a wooden hammer. To his surprise, each time he beat the wooden fish, the fish opened its mouth and vomited a character. He became so happy that, when he had time, he always beat the fish. A few years later, he had got back from the wooden fish's mouth what he had lost to the flood.

In Buddhism the fish, which never sleeps, symbolizes wakefulness. Therefore, it is to remind the chanting monks to concentrate on their sutra. Often the mallet used to strike the fish has a rubber ball tip to provide a muffled, but clear sound when struck.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Benefits of Chia Seeds


Scientific Name : Salvia Hispanica
Origin : Mexico
Common Names : Chia seeds
Parts used : Seed, Leaf

Vitamins : A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B15, B17, C, D, E, K, Choline, Folic Acid, Inositol, PABA.

Minerals : Boron, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Phosphorous, Potassium, Silicon, Sodium, Strontium, Sulphur, Zinc, Amylose (a slow-burning starch helpful in treating hypoglycemia), and Electrolytes.

Chia has a very good ratio of omega-3 oil to omega-6 oil; with 20-30% protein, 35% oil, 25% fiber. Gluten-free and very low-sodium. It contains the important mineral 'Boron', a catalyst for the absorption of calcium. Domesticated in the valley of Mexico as early as 2,700 B.C., Chia Seeds served as a primary staple food of the Nahuatl (Aztec), Mayan, Incan and other indigenous peoples. One spoon of seed in water was used to supply sustenance for an entire day of hard labor. Related to the Nahuatl words Chiapan (River of Chia), and Chia (energy/strength.) Its cultivation is referenced in the Florentine Codex. So highly prized were the seeds that they
were used as currency. Traditionally and presently used by the Tarahumara and Chumash of Chihuahua, the seed is roasted, crushed, and mixed with water for a gel of extremely high nutritional value used as performance
. In California, Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua it is, mixed with a lemonade. The ground seed meal was called Pinole.

In the 1980's Chia Seeds experienced kitsch notoriety as Chia Pets; when watered, the seeds grew into green hair on terracotta figurines. Fortunately today, better use of chia has been rediscovered. The seeds contain about 20% protein, 35% oil and an impressive 25% dietary fiber. They are high in antioxidants and also offer a range of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. And as one of the richest vegetable sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.

The seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and can be enjoyed on salads, cereal, yogurt or ground up and baked into wholesome breads and muffins. A popular drink in Mexico is the chia fresca ­ made with 2 teaspoons of seeds stirred into a glass of water with lime and sugar. Chia seeds are very stable and can be easily stored without refrigeration. Chia Seeds contains much high-quality natural oil : 03-10 times that of most grains and twice the protein. Chia can substitute flax seeds. 


Chia is grown commercially for its seed, a food that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, since the seeds yield 25–30% extractable oil, including α-linolenic acid (ALA). Chia seeds are typically small ovals with a diameter of about 1 mm (0.039 in). They are mottle-colored with brown, gray, black and white.
Chia seed is traditionally consumed in Mexico, and the southwestern United States, but is not widely known in Europe. Chia (or chian or chien) has mostly been identified as Salvia hispanica L. Today, Chia is grown commercially in its native Mexico, and in Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Australia, and Guatemala. In 2008, Australia was the world's largest producer of Chia.

Chia seed may be eaten raw as a whole seed, providing protein, fats, and fiber. Ground Chia seed is sometimes added to Pinole, a coarse flour made from toasted maize kernels. Chia seeds placed in water or fruit juice are consumed in Mexico and known as Chia Fresca.

The soaked seeds (shown above) are gelatinous in texture and are used in gruels, porridges, and puddings. Ground chia seed is used in baked goods including breads, cakes, and biscuits. Chia sprouts are used in a similar manner as alfalfa sprouts in salads, sandwiches and other dishes. Chia sprouts are sometimes grown on porous clay figurines which has led to the popular U.S. novelty item of the Chia Pet.The seeds can also be placed in water, juices or tea producing a mucilge which can be consumed as a beverage.


Benefits in consuming Chia Seeds
  1. It helps to stablise your blood sugar and remove your urge for other snack foods. The gel (after soaking) will slows down the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar and this is particularly useful for those with
    diabetic problems.

  2. It provides a huge source of Essential Fatty Acids and these are
    important for concentration and other brain functions.
  3. It also provides continuous energize and stamina  because of the enormous amount of nutrients, such as proteins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, fibre and complex carbohydrates. Often, it is also known as 'runners food' because of the good stamina and energy, for long distance runs and endurance.

  4. It will give you a constant 'full' feeling because of the 'bloating effect' in your stomach. The gel which coated the seeds will make you feel full and thus, eating less.

  5. It helps to lower your cholesterol too and thus, improves heart health.

  6. It enhances good digestive benefits. Its fiber will help to clean up your
    the intestinal tract and thus, enhance your bowel movement.

  7. It helps to tone and build lean muscle mass because of its high protein content.
  8. It helps to enable your disgestive system to absorb more nutrients. The huge amount of essential fatty acids, will enable the body to emulsify and absorbs the fat soluble vitamins especially A, D, E, and K.

  9. It helps to build strong bones and enhance your body skeletal system because of the 'boron' mineral. The later mineral helps the body to speed up the rate of calcium absorption.
  10. It also enhances better healthier nails, skin, and hair because of its enormous amount of essential fatty acids.
  11. It regulates better hydration as the soaked seeds will retain fluid, which
    is beneficial to athletes.
Additional Information
  1. Chia seeds can soak up to ten times their original weight. The gel is a soluble fiber that swells into hydrophylic colloid, which is vital for many digestive problems.

  2. Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.

  3. Excellent amount of antioxidants.

  4. Good sources of Vitamins and minerals especially calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, zinc, and even boron (which helps the absorbing of calcium by the body).

  5. It is gluten-free and beneficial to the digestive system.

  6. It has higher source of protein than other seeds and grains. Considered  by all vegetarians (including pregnant mothers), as an alternative protein sources. 

  7. It provides a lower glycemic index because of its slower rate in converting carbohydrates to glucose.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Why do human have to cheat ?

They said, the human brain is the devil's workshop and they will come up with anything that will make them selling their souls to the devil. Even in broad daylight.

As I was strolling at a market place one day, I was not amused when I sighted this weighing scale standing by itself (the owner was not around at that time). I became more angry when I saw the validation sticker (approved by the relevant authority) which reads 22 Sept 2012. Is the authority approving this scale since Day 1, or the owner manipulated it later ?

Many questions started to run through my mind. Has the said authority, ever send any officer to conduct any check, in order to nab such unscrupulous hawker ? How come the guilty party is so daring to leave his measuring equipment unattended like this, without fear ?

For a moment, I was telling myself ..... how much richer could the guy be, at the end of the day for risking such daring stunt. Will the money earned brings him any good ? Why is he feeding his family with such filthy money ?

Nevertheless, there are still plenty of willing buyers who prefer to remain silent. Without realizing, they are actually encouraging such notorious 'robber' to carry on. In fact, I was told that this stall is just the tip of the iceberg. I was dumbfounded when told that many stalls are equally guilty. Of course, there are also genuine and honest sellers too.

I pray and pity the guilty souls, when serving their punishment in Hell.